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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: December 2022 sold BBU and BBUC for tax loss using BN as a proxy. Now after 30 days considering whether best move is to buy back BBU or add to BAM or BIPC or standstill for awhile. BN is 4.5%, BEP is 3.55%, BIP is 2.52% and BAM is .97% of my portfolio where the investment objective is to hold a growth-leaning dividend-paying balanced portfolio. What would be your choice?
Read Answer Asked by William Ross on February 06, 2023
Q: Hello 5i,
I hold bep:us and bepc:us also bip:us and bipc:us. Is it worth trading in the bep:us for bipc:us and bep:us for bepc:us? Is there much advantage to do that? If so what is the most efficient way to do that?
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on January 18, 2023
Q: I am a 76 year old income investor. 3% of my portfolio is held in BIP, BIPC and BEP. I just sold my CU for my RRIF withdrawal. I now have about $40,000 with which to invest in our TFSA accounts. Analytics shows I need 5% more of healthcare, industrials and technology. I am thinking of adding BIPC.TO. and/or CPX to replace the CU. Please provide other income ideas.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on January 09, 2023
Q: We just received notice from our broker Questrade. Some securities, notably LPs will be affected by an extra tax on dividends, and a 10% witholding tax on sales of said securities. The list,
is quite large and include even names like Lazard,LAZ which i believed was a regular trading stock.
Will that affect holdings in RSP accounts? Is there to be a rush to the exits from a number of these? If it affects holdings only in regular investment accounts, would it be a good opportunity to to catch a few discounted names in a registered account?
Sorry for a lengthy and intricate question.
Thank you and Merry Christmas.
Read Answer Asked by francois on December 23, 2022
Q: I have been following the Questions and have been a keen reader of the opaque notices and statements from Brookfield . I own units in all the subsidiaries mentioned above too. So I am trying to keep position size of each in mind when I look at the BN holding corp and allocate it to the various sectors, Months ago, before the split you had answered a question confirming that the BAM.A sectoral breakout was 39% financial, 35% RE, 16% industrial, 10% energy?? Does this breakout still apply to BN and/or BAM or is there a new breakout given the spinout of the new corporation.
Read Answer Asked by William Ross on December 20, 2022
Q: Good Morning

I have a non registered account solely for Canadian listed US Dividend payers. My timing isn’t great but I need to raise some US cash within the next year. My untouchables are BAM and CSU. Of the remaining 3 holdings which between TRI,BEP and AQN would you sell first.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Marty on May 05, 2022
Q: Its a given we are collectively heading (long term) toward a carbon neutral future. We have also seen how fragile current energy supply is with the shortages caused by current European conflicts.
So...the question is on nuclear. How viable is it as a source of clean stable energy going forward, and how does one get exposure to companies in this space CDN or US. I am slowly reducing my fossil fuel exposure and now hold the captioned stocks. BEP fits the mandate I'm sure; how about BP?
Read Answer Asked by Harry on April 07, 2022
Q: Now that oil has recovered, I was thinking of selling my shares in XOM and wanted to buy some Canadian stocks. I am retired so I have a relatively low risk tolerance. How would you rate RY, BEP, and BAM. Are there other companies you would suggest that are stable and offer a decent dividend.
Read Answer Asked by Nancy on March 09, 2022
Q: Good Day Team,
I want to add Clean Energy.
ENPH looks a leader in USA
Would buy it now ? if not can please name 1 or two others stocks you like on Clean Energy in US or Canada.
Best Regards
Read Answer Asked by Djamel on January 18, 2022
Q: Thank you for your response to my last question. As a follow-up, do the four utilities stocks that I currently own (BEP, FTS, AQN, NPI) offer adequate diversification within the sector? Just wondering if I should add to these (in the best to worst ranking you provided) or is there another utilities name (Cdn nor US) that you would add to be better diversified and if there is, would you sell one of my current 4 utility stocks or just add the other name?
Your insight much appreciated,
Read Answer Asked by Doris on November 30, 2021
Q: Hi, I am looking to add to my utilities and currently have partial positions in BEP, FTS, AQN and NPI, none of which have moved much of late. I am looking at adding FLNC as a partial position thinking that it may have more growth potential.
1) Can I get your opinion of FLNC for long-term hold/moderate risk tolerance?
2) Can you rank the 4 stocks currently owned from best to worst, again with a long-term time frame/moderate risk?
Thank you as always for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Doris on November 30, 2021
Q: Please rate your top 5 electric Canadian utilities
1. for long term growth potential
2. for safety in a correction.
Read Answer Asked by Lawrence on September 16, 2021