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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Not only are preferred share ETFs seeming to hold their stability well of late but they're outperforming just about any other ETF I own, be they Canadian dividends, US tech, or international. Obviously, there's a market reason for this. Would you know it and whether it's likely to continue?
Read Answer Asked by John on January 09, 2025
Q: If the scenario plays out of higher interest rates for longer; is it logical to presume Reits, and Preferreds, -both sensitive to interest rates, may continue to soften. I have been buying them as they are going down but wondering if this is a good strategy. Could you comment. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Pat on June 20, 2023
Q: Could you tell me the difference between these ETFs and would you suggest having just one or all in ones portfolio. Currently I have ZPR in a margin account. I have some room in a TFSA; I'm wondering if I should leave that for my Reit ETF - ZRE as I'm moving away from growth toward income. Why are they all down right now? Is it a good time to buy or is it best to wait? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Pat on May 12, 2023