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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Peter et al,
I bought Gluskin Sheff at $20.37 and it has risen approx 50%. Fabrice Taylor on BNN last week suggested to always take a profit when you can, but I think it deserves more consideration than that. What do you think its prospects are? Would a move to another financial e.g Cannacord CF be advisable? I already have Alaris, Element, Counsel, & Fiera. Also Davis & Henderson if it is considered a financial. They make up 23% of my portfolio. Thanks in advance for your advice.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on July 28, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and Team,
I recently purchased more shares of GS for my husbands RRSP during it's recent pullback at $28.46 as all the research I have done indicates that it is a good stable company with good growth, dividend and the potential for additonal special dividends or take. I was pleasantly surprised to see the bounce it today to $31.66 on the reported news that they were acquring another firm. I would like your opinion on this acquisition and would you continue to hold this stock? I know you like to hold for the long term but a 11% return in 11 days is tempting unless you see further upside.
Thanks for all the sound advice you provide.
Read Answer Asked by Maggie on June 03, 2014
Q: The company's press release shows the ex-dividend date as Feb 18. The stock had a drop today as if the ex-div date was today, Feb 13. The WSJ quotes shows ex-div date as Feb 13. So maybe some people thought the ex-div date was today and sold. I bought 450 shares today hoping to get the special dividend on Feb 18. I hope I am right. Keeping my fingers grossed. What do you think is happening?
Read Answer Asked by Fred on February 13, 2014