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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Not happy with general mills right now and Magna. What do you think should I keep them or move on. If I decide to move on is there any decent dividend paying companies in there respective categories.

Read Answer Asked by Mark on June 28, 2024
Q: Can you suggest US companies with safe, high dividends? Other than Financial or Energy. I'm considering GIS but am open to other ideas. thank you
Read Answer Asked by alex on March 04, 2024
Q: Hello 5i, I'm looking to strengthen my portfolio and currently own these stocks and others in the consumer stapes category. Is there value in owning all these listed or should i consolidate into a couple. Also how would you rank these on strength of company and the dividend.
Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Mark on October 02, 2023
Q: I am underweight in consumer defensive stocks and in US exposure in my RRSP. What would your top US consumer defensive picks be?

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Louise on February 27, 2023
Q: Looking to add a bit of consumer staples to the portfolio within the US. Not entirely apples to apples but could you please indicate your preference to either one of these listed or a combination?
Thanks, Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on January 06, 2021
Q: Hi there,
In my US 401K in US Staples i own both HSY and SJM. SJM continues to underperform the Consumer Staples group. There always seems to be a reason for the failure to meet expectations and it just seems poorly run. I want to swap our for another stock - any suggestions for a US replacement. I am close to retirement so looking for a bit of growth and a dividend.

Read Answer Asked by kelly on July 17, 2020
Q: Hello
Can you comment on General Mills quarterly earnings, and can you give me your opinion on the company?

I have some USD fund available to invest in the USA Consumer Staples sector. I own Coke and Mondalez already and am wondering if I should start a new position in Genral Mills or should I just add to Coke and Mondalez. How would you rate General Mills company vs Coke and Mondalez ?

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Stephane on December 21, 2018
Q: Hi 5i,
Can I have your opinion on averaging down on these in the current climate, say in the next few days,. Without regard for weightings,risk profile etc, could you rank them in order that you would chip away at them?
Read Answer Asked by mike on December 19, 2018