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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: This weekend’s WSJ quotes Sun Communities as saying that while there are 11.2mm RV-owning U.S. households, there are only 1.7 sewer/water/power hookups for them to park at. Do current North American demographics suggest a strong future for SUI? If so, is it the strongest option in the Snowbird/alternative residence space?
Read Answer Asked by David on June 07, 2023
Q: Hi,
I'm interested in these US REITs. Can you rank them best to worst for a longterm holder, and comment on the best account type to hold them in?
I know you've said that in general REITs are best held in a TFSA, but are there any exceptions to that guideline among them.
Read Answer Asked by Camille on November 15, 2022