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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: About 2 weeks ago, Adam asked a question and 5i answered, as follows:

Q. Would now be a time to review ones stock holdings, maybe raise some cash in anticipation of slight pull back or considering a pause in rate hikes, would you go all in with growth stocks?

A. We think it is too early to go all in on growth or add risks. While we think the overall outlook is positive, there are still plenty of challenges. .....We still wouldn't time the market with a cash call.....When doing a review, however, we would still focus on the fundamentals rather than the stock movements. We think high-quality growth stocks look good, and there is no need to keep or layer on extra risk when solid companies still remain cheap even after recent moves.

Two questions from me:

1. Two weeks is a mere blip in the investment time horizon, nonetheless with a bit of news (interest rate + market response, some earnings releases, etc,) do you have any further thoughts about the overall outlook for adding cash or more of a tilt to growth?

2. Can you list 10 high - quality growth names (Cdn or US) that fit your desired fundamental profiles, contemplated by your answer to Adam?

Many thanks for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on February 10, 2023
Q: If one wishes to invest in the Artificial Intelligence sector, what are the best stocks (growth) to consider w/ 3-5yr horizon?
Read Answer Asked by Nghi on February 03, 2023
Q: Hello 5i,

I have small 0.8% positions, in both PINS and APPS, in an unregistered account.

Looking for advice on possible consolidation:

1) Consolidate APPS into PINS
2) Consolidate PINS into APPS
3) Consolidate both APPS and PINS into TTD, PERI or MELI.
4) Do nothing.

5+ year time-frame with high risk tolerance.

Read Answer Asked by Lee on January 26, 2023
Q: Can you provide a list of a few microcaps, smallcaps, both us/cdn that could rocket up with a recovery in the economy. Thanks 5i for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Geoff on January 12, 2023
Q: I noticed that your position on Google has changed in the past couple of months. Previously, you were always recommending it as #1 stock for growth/risk combination, lately I don't see this recommendation anymore. At the moment, it is the worst performing stock in my portfolio and I am down over USD $20K on it. Unfortunately, it's in TFSA portfolio, so I cannot sell and claim cap loss. Do you still believe in bright future for Google considering the challenges (e.g. Microsoft combining efforts with Open AI to integrate chatGPT in Bing and challenge Google search dominance and, by proxy, ad revenue)? Considering that the stock is held in TFSA, would you keep it or sell and replace with something else? If you recommend selling, please list your suggestions. What is your current recommendation on the US market for better growth/risk equilibrium? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on January 09, 2023
Q: Thanks to the 5i team for all the great work amongst a very tough 2022! I wish you and yours all the very best for the new year.

I really appreciated and learnt a lot from the various indices/metrics that you used in your market update emails, especially circling back in the most recent one to update the trends. Looking at the various indexes you explored last year, it made me wonder if there was an index or metric that tracked digital advertising to look at trends through time (e.g., have things bottomed and more are spending on digital advertising). As a holder of companies like Google, Digital Turbine, and The Trading Desk, I am interested to know if there is an index/metric out there to follow trends in digital advertising. If there is, could you use it to suggest what the general status of digital advertising is and how it might help inform adding to positions of GOOG, APPS, TTD, and others (if you have higher conviction names to suggest).

Thanks so much for all you do and wishing everyone a strong investment year in 2023.
Read Answer Asked by Justin on January 04, 2023
Q: Over the past two years with the downturn of the market, I am down significantly with majority of these holdings in various accounts. I have a long-term 10+ year outlook, so looking to see if you feel any of these can be sold off given the outlook, management of the company? If so, what are your recommendations for a growth investor in either CAD/US stock options?

Read Answer Asked by Andrew on January 04, 2023
Q: I wish to de-risk our portfolio. These are some of our holdings with high PEs [although that is not always the most appropriate criteria for risk assessment]. Would appreciate your advice as to top 10
(a) most at risk currently and
(b) great companies, even if currently expensive, that you have most conviction longer term.
Read Answer Asked by sam on March 17, 2021
Q: Hi,
I would value your opinion on this company. Its growth trajectory would appear to be difficult to maintain, yet next year's projected revenues would imply it may be able to continue to grow fairly rapidly. I look forward to any comments you may wish to offer - and yes, I would assume it is risky.

Read Answer Asked by Dawn on January 13, 2020