Q: Me thinks that spaceship that fearless leader Blaarg is piloting is actually an elaborate can of worms. In 10 years time, according to some environmentalists, we earthlings may be drowning in our own carbon-laced pollution, unless a better solution to or energy needs can be met. As a pessimistic Albertan, I suspect most of us will still be driving evil combustion engines in 2034; however, I am hopeful that there are some game changers in the energy horizon - maybe not Canadian - that may save the planet. Do you have any suggestions we can put on our watchlist? I'm waiting for 5i to beam me up !
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Investment Q&A
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Q: Hi there please give me your thoughts on ED from a US growth, income and valuation perspective. I believe they are investing increasingly in the renewables sector.
Duke Energy Corporation (Holding Company) (DUK)
Consolidated Edison Inc. (ED)
Southern Company (The) (SO)
TerraForm Power Inc. (TERP)
Q: I’m looking to add a U.S. utility stock to my portfolio, what are your thoughts on these companies? Any others you would suggest?
Q: Hi Team, Sorry, another US question please. Yesterday a member asked about Southern Company (SO) a US utility. I have a similar question about Consolidated Edison (ED). Do you think it is a decent US holding for income? Of the two (SO and ED) do you see an obvious preference?
Many thanks.
Many thanks.
Q: Hi Peter and Team,
Quick thoughts on a new REIT company called Edgefront Realty Corp. V.ED
Quick thoughts on a new REIT company called Edgefront Realty Corp. V.ED