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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Dear Peter and Staff,

Bank of America is being taken off the Dow; would you please give me your opinion of what might happen to the stock price. Should I hang on or take my gain and move along?
Many thanks, a day doesn't go by without my reading your questions/answers etc. Your service has been a tremendous help.
Many thanks, Catharine
Read Answer Asked by Catharine on September 10, 2013
Q: Dear Team: I want to buy 1 call option contract for BAC for January 2015 at $15.00 in my TFSA.
Today that would cost about 1.78. I know you only want to do Cdn stocks, so if you do not
want to give an opinion on doing this for BAC do you have a better suggestion which would be
Cdn? I bot your portfolio, and my jaw drops as I watch many of those stocks!! (like CSU or MG or Valeant) Thanks so much for your support. Jean
Read Answer Asked by jean on August 08, 2013
Q: Hello 5i Team,
What are your comments on the announcement that the US Government has launched a law suit against BAC. I'm in this one for a long term hold so not too concerned about volatility as I think the price will increase in the future.

Also I should ask if you think BAC is a good long term play in the US financials or o you think others will fair better? Perhaps a US financial ETF with a small grouping?

Thanks again for all your comments, replies and work.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on August 08, 2013
Q: Any thoughts about Bank of America, I realize it may be off your radar screen but I think it is intriguing as a turnaround stock it certainly has legacy concerns from the acquisition of Country Wide but it seems to be becoming more focused, should see declining loan loss provisions, and should have significant tax loss carry forwards?
Read Answer Asked by peter on November 01, 2012