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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Portfolio Cleanup Part 4:
I have needed to do this for a long time. These are a list of securities I have that are within a 15% profit or loss of where I purchased them.
Which ones to do see as an Add, Hold or Sell. Can you provide a short reason why for each. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Charles on September 18, 2024
Q: Could you please tell me the outlook for this company and dissect the latest quarter for Quisitive Tech Solutions(QUIS). What initially made this company fall of the rails and what will it take to get it going again and how much does as they say on their website being a "top Microsoft Solutions Partner" bode well for the company and would Microsoft ever cut ties with them if the management wasn't operating to their satisfaction. What's the longer term outlook. Buy, hold or sell. What would it take for 5i to be interested in this company?
Read Answer Asked by James on August 26, 2024
Q: I do have a small space in my portfolio for speculation and over the years have both won and lost. What I have "sort of learned" through my losses is to avoid speculative investments based on "hope", "discovery", "hype", Fomo etc. When I look at the above investments my opinion is that they are more likely to be taken private/over and unlikely to go into recievership/bankruptcy. If I didn't already have these I would consider entering a speculative position. For me this is 1 or 2% per company with a combined speculative exposure of 6 to 7%. So my question is does my thinking make sense and given the present market will these companies GSI. GRN and QUIS given time live or die. Thanks John
Read Answer Asked by John on September 26, 2022
Q: QUIS has been a significant disappointment for some years now and appears to have changed its business profile at least once along the way, such that even now there is a current apparent need to make a substantial progress. So the question is there a reasonable prospect that the recent announcement involving Visa will have a significant impact on this company's sales and profitability?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on June 24, 2022