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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: This question concerns Healthcare in a well-diversified Canadian portfolio (~30 holdings), focused slightly toward growth. Our target is for a 5% weight in this sector.

Currently, we only hold CSH.UN at a loss. We are open to selling it outright and replacing it with 1 or more of your favourites or topping it up and adding at least 1 growth-oriented suggestion. I understand from a previous question that CSH.UN has performed in a close range with REITs, which have adequate representation in our portfolio.

What would be your top picks in Healthcare for long term holds (5+ years)? How would you rate them (1-10, 10 being best) for new money today?

How would you proceed? Would you suggest going with 1 or 2 names? Would you suggest topping up CSH.UN and adding a 2nd name, selling CSH.UN and adding 1 or 2 new names, etc?

Read Answer Asked by Peter on February 17, 2023
Q: Hi, I hold ABBV as a healthcare holding, since Canadian choices are limited. Any idea why ABBV is weak lately? Do you think it is company related, or macro related? What do you see going forward, either for operational performance or macro head/tail winds? Not planning to touch it unless something fundamentally changing, but it is close to technical resistance and a further fall here could have it testing $130's.
Read Answer Asked by Kel on February 08, 2023
Q: Good Morning 5i.

I am looking for some US income suggestions.

Preferably with yield’s in excess of 4%.

Long term - safe and secure - holds with potential for dividend and value growth.

Thanks very much.

Read Answer Asked by Dave on February 06, 2023
Q: I'm looking to add a US dividend company into my portfolio with some growth.
Can you rank the best, in your view, of these 5 companies VNO, BMY, ABBV, BAC and T? Any suggestions to add to the list?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Stephan on January 27, 2023
Q: I want to invest in 5 or 6 of the above companies, using CDRs on the NEO exchange. I know you like them all, but I need to narrow it down a bit, based on available funds. Although it will be in a non-registered account, the goal is very long term growth. My wife and I will not need the money, so essentially I suppose I'm investing for my children. If two of the stocks are roughly equal in growth potential, then I would choose the one that adds a bit of diversification. But I don't mind if they are correlated and all move up together. It is probably easiest for you to answer this question by rank ordering them, and I will pick the first 5 or 6. Thank you for such great service over the years.
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on January 26, 2023
Q: The initial investment on these and others has doubled. I do not require the funds immediately. I know these are outstanding companies. Each makes up 2% to 3% of the portfolio that is up by 10.5%. In this environment do you still abide by the statement "let the winners run", even to this extent. Should they be trimmed back to the initial cost, or should they be replaced? There are sixty positions in the portfolio balanced through all 11 sectors. I am a 77 year old dividend value investor.
Thank you for all your great input
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on January 25, 2023
Q: I asked this question yesterday but I don't see it in the 'My Questions' section, so I ask again. I want to add a dividend growth company or ETF to my kids RESP with a 5-10 year time horizon. I already have T, BMO, and ABBV in other accounts. What do you recommend from the 5i Research stock and ETF universe as a good buy now with plans to add over time? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Zohreh on January 17, 2023
Q: Q1: What 3 to 5 stocks if added would work well with the existing 17 stocks below?

Q2: Are there any already in this list that you would say (like Jack Armstrong) "Get that garbage out of here" or are they all okay?

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on January 17, 2023
Q: I am a 76 year old income investor. 3% of my portfolio is held in BIP, BIPC and BEP. I just sold my CU for my RRIF withdrawal. I now have about $40,000 with which to invest in our TFSA accounts. Analytics shows I need 5% more of healthcare, industrials and technology. I am thinking of adding BIPC.TO. and/or CPX to replace the CU. Please provide other income ideas.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on January 09, 2023
Q: I have no Healthcare companies in my portfolio. What names are you presently recommending; Canadian and/or US $. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on January 05, 2023
Q: Hi group assuming some sort of recession next year along with present pullback what is your top 10 picks in order of preference / Entry points $ targets. Ignore sectors and US verses Canada Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on December 19, 2022
Q: Hi Peter,
I don't have any positions in the Health Care sector. Please provide a few suggestions, either stocks and/or ETFs, for both Canada and USA. I would like the Buy and Hold for say 5 years or more strategy.
Many thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Roger on December 19, 2022
Q: Hello, the above mentioned US stocks are now offered in CDRs. Are any of these worth buying and if so, why? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Martin on December 05, 2022
Q: Is there something to replace WELL in the Healthcare sector in Canada or US, ETF inclued?
Read Answer Asked by Yves on November 28, 2022
Q: Dear 5i
From my readings it appears that LLY,ABBV and UNH would be your favourite healthcare stocks and in that order . Would you agree ?
Between my wife and i we have 3 RRSP accounts . Would you recommend putting the number one healthcare pick LLY in all three accounts or maybe LLY in one account , ABBV in another account and UNH in the third account ?
The same applies to DOL and ATD which seem to be your favourite consumer staples stocks . Earnings forecasts look better for DOL but ATD is liked a lot as well though ATDs earnings forecast isn`t as good as DOL .Do i put DOL in all three accounts or and DOL in one account and ATD in another and a combination of both in the third account ?
Please deduct credits accordingly .
Bill C
Read Answer Asked by Bill on November 25, 2022