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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Priceline is getting murdered today (down over 11%), because of their exposure to Europe - both in terms of revenues and currency exchange - which are assumed to be negatively impacted by the BREXIT vote. At the same time, it is on a growth path, its PE is really not that high for such a solid company, and I can't help but wonder if the sell-off today is overdone. Do you think this is a good entry point into PCLN?

Read Answer Asked by arnold on June 24, 2016
Q: Hi, I'm looking to add a US growth stock. Currently only hold AAPL and XLF in the US. What do you think of Priceline (PCLN) as an investment today at its current price for a 5-year hold? Is there a better US growth stock you prefer? I understand the US isn't your area of specialty but any comments are appreciated. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Christopher on December 01, 2013