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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi
What would the BE portfolio performance be without CSU Constellation Software be as holding over time? What if it was a company listed outside of Canada. With this thought, are there any companies outside of Canada that you would consider the same caliber as CSU (same sector is not important to me)? Sorry for the outside of Canada question but I am hoping to add some diversification over the next few years.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Jeremy on December 13, 2018
Q: wondering which companies have the largest runway for growth out of these? I have a very very long time horizon
Read Answer Asked by mary on November 29, 2018
Q: I know U.S. markets are not your focus but any help would be great. I am looking for some suggestions on growth holdings in a TFSA USD for a long term hold 5-10 years. Currently in the account V, FB, BRK.B I am not a fan of dividend paying US holdings in the account due to the 15% robbery from the US government in non registered accounts. I am looking for something with stability and top in their industry. I have thought about CRM or SQ but other suggestion would be great. Thanks again for the great service
Read Answer Asked by Kolbi on September 12, 2018
Q: can you tell me your top suggestions currently in Canada and the US within the consumer discretionary space?
Read Answer Asked by Patricia on June 25, 2018
Q: Our son is 14 and his RESP is about $80K. It owns Amazon, Facebook, Nvidia, Alphabet (equally) and Knight (24%), reflecting his lifestyle and my faith in GUD. Can you temporarily overlook weighting, etc. and suggest one more US stock with some potential torque for a 5 year hold? Risk is not a factor. If this account craters, he will still get any education he aspires to before he heads out on his own...
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on May 09, 2018
Q: From what i see in the comments of the last months, these 8 companies seems to be among your US favorite stocks.
1- am I right about those 8?
2- would you like to add a few US names, could be in any sectors
3- I buy companies with a 10 year + timeline. A lot of companies i'm interest in are in the technology sector and I tend to be overweighted in that sector. Its hard for me to imagine technology not directly corrolated to industrial or consumer staples growth for exemple. Does it make senses to you to balance a technology overweight (30-40%) portfolio by diversifying among the technology sub-sectors?
4- I understand that you focus on Canadian companies. I also understand that your are conflicting free and that you mostly invest in US stocks. However, I'm pretty sure that a significant proportions of 5i members would be willing to pay for some form of US stocks advices. Maybe a US portfolio or a US favorise stock list. (maybe with a minimum market cap limit so your decisions would still be conflict free) Your services are unique and are a benediction for small investors. It would be a great opportunity for us to have them for the US market too. I'm sure a survey among members would prove me right.

thanks again for your amazing services
Read Answer Asked by Olivier on October 30, 2017
Q: Given the some of the uncertainties surrounding DIS, including how their new ESPN streaming service will perform, Bob Iger's impending retirement and the stock's poor price momentum of late, do you think it would be reasonable to exchange DIS for PCLN (after its modest pullback) for a very long term hold in the US consumer cyclical portion of my portfolio?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 05, 2017
Q: I am trying to identify the best E-Commerce to buy now for solid growth. You commented 6 months ago on (stmp-q). How have your views evolved since then on this company and how would you compare it to Priceline (pcln-q), Mercado Libre (meli-q), Netflix (nflx-q)and Alibaba (baba-q) ?
Very grateful for your views,

Read Answer Asked by Jacques on February 16, 2017