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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I realize that you ( much like I ) are growth investors. However I’d like to play the risk on trade and am looking for 5 beaten down US value names that would have good bounce back potential. Can you rank your choices? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Karim on December 09, 2020
Q: I am an experienced investor and for years have been selling short strangles, in the money puts and out of the money calls around some of my core position stocks, such MSFT, UNH, SRPT etc with good success.
Last week, I sold naked positions around NFLX, picking Jan 15/2021 expiration, which is before they report earnings and expecting NFLX to be substantially range bound until then.

Sold  NFLX 01/15/21 455 PUT at 15.10
Sold  NFLX 01/15/21 515 CALL at 16.10

The trade is profitable between $424 and $546 and in an unlimited loss position outside the range (a risk I am prepared to accept).

My question is, do you have any stock recommendations, for stocks whose prices are not likely to fluctuate a great deal over a a defined period of time, or any screening methods to identify such stocks, so as to trade puts and calls as I described?

Thanks in advance for your insights.
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on November 30, 2020
Q: Thank you so much for your recommendation on WYNN, GC, BKNG, LUV. They went up a lot.
I still have some cash that I would like to invest.
Are there any stocks that are still undervalued even after recent vaccine news? Or should I just wait for them to dip again? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Yongwei on November 16, 2020
Q: I asked this question on my phone few days ago and I haven't seen the answer yet:
Can you give me your current top 3US and 3CDN growth stocks?
3US and 3CDN compelling recovery stories post covid.
Read Answer Asked by JR on November 12, 2020
Q: What's your favorite pick for travel, when this COVID finally ends. MAR has future earnings forcast to grow 53% from what i have read, but coming off terrible numbers maybe that isn't so great.
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on September 28, 2020
Q: If we found a Covid-19 vaccine tomorrow, what are the most depressed companies now that would benefit the most?
Read Answer Asked by James on September 28, 2020
Q: Hi,
You have been rightly complemented many times for
or your wise counsel recently. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the group for their many varied questions. Both the questions and answers have helped me a lot.
For various reasons I have not visited the Asset Allocator section for some time and find that I am not as well 'balanced' as I should be. I am over invested in financials (BAM.A, TD, BNS, RY and SLF) and grossly underinvested in Consumer cyclicals. I am also overinvested in Canada. Could you please suggest 2-3 US and Canadian Consumer cyclical stocks?
Many Thanks,
Read Answer Asked by david on June 29, 2020
Q: Hi guys...any thoughts on some beaten up stocks that could be opportunities for quick gains? can be Canada or U.S. thoughts are welcome...
Read Answer Asked by dan on June 16, 2020
Q: Please suggest 10 consumer cyclical stocks with good growth prospects (US or Canada.) Are cyclical stocks the same as consumer discretionary stocks?
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on May 21, 2019