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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am interested in adding one more E Sports company to my portfolio. I already own NVDA and OTEXT. Which would you choose, EA or ATVI? Or, if there is another that you would recommend instead?
Thanks for your great service....
Read Answer Asked by Jennifer on March 28, 2019
Q: In the past you have been very pro NVDA and lukewarm to AMD. I am getting reports that AMD is "eating NVDA's lunch" when it comes to gaming chips and is now set to break out. The Google announcement early this week would seem to confirm this thesis, however it appears every chip company is on the rise. Have you altered your opinion on AMD? Before the announcement I got on AMD (2% position) and am up 20% very quickly. I am thinking of adding more. Should I?
Read Answer Asked by Barry on March 22, 2019
Q: I hold the following technology companies for a 31.66% weighting in my portfolio. I need to reduce this to a maximum weighting of 20%. Given the holdings are long term, and I wish a balance between stability and aggressive growth in this sector, which of the above companies would you cut down or eliminate to achieve this goal? Current individual weights are; CSU 4.88%, GOOGL 4.94%, AAPL 4.8%,GIB.A 3.2%, SHOP 2.57%, PHO 2.56%,MU 3.27%, NVDA 3.22%, KXS 2.21%.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on March 18, 2019
Q: I have held pho for about a year and thinking of selling pho and buying nvda as they are down the same thus increasing the quality of my semi conductor exposure. Also I have made a lot of money from csu and kxs and have sold them and bought a small exposure to msft for the same reason. Does this make sense to you....thanks for the great service
Read Answer Asked by gene on February 13, 2019
Q: I would like your opinion on these tech stocks for my tfsa. tech stocks were suggested by you in my last question - "For some growth, one could add tech names (US or Canadian), if applicable. We note that less than five years is still considered relatively short-term, so we would keep things on the lower risk profile in general."
if u could rank them, or suggest better ones to research that would be great.

Read Answer Asked by Karen on February 12, 2019
Q: I have been out of the loop on financial news for the past six months or so, and so am a bit unfocused on current news.

What are your thoughts on adding NVDA at this time (to appropriate weighting, etc.)? [I reviewed some Q&A on it, but am not clear as to why the latest downdraft on this company is occurring. Perhaps I didn't go back far enough.] If this is not a solid pick at this time, would you please suggest your favourite in the sector, for a 5% position? Canadian or US -- I have no preference, other than it be Tech. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Sylvia on February 06, 2019
Q: Hi there,

I inherited all 5 of these positions in my US portfolio and looking to reduce to 3. i am leaning to NVDA, AVGO and QCOM but I know very little about MCHP. I am also concerned about letting go of TXN given their role in converting analog to digital signals. YOur thoughts. I am looking for a balance of growth and a stable dividend.
Read Answer Asked by kelly on February 04, 2019
Q: Hi 5i,

What would be your top 10 names for a U.S. growthy balanced portfolio?

Read Answer Asked by Wayne on January 28, 2019
Q: I've finally decided to look at investing in some US stocks. Would you be able to suggest a couple of US growth stocks that have some stability and growth potential over the next few years? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by steven on January 22, 2019