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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi. My daughter is looking to add a US tech stock to a portfolio that follows your balanced portfolio with some added US stocks and International ETFs. She currently owns 4 tech stocks; CSU, LSPD, KXS and NVDA. She is 21 yo and looking for long term growth. We are wondering if U is a better addition than TEAM (I am already following TEAM as I own it, but would consider selling it for a better company as I like to limit myself to following about 35 stocks). Any better suggestions? TTD? We both already own VEEV (under healthcare).
Read Answer Asked by Paul on November 17, 2020
Q: Could you please rank above Tech stocks in order of preference that you would purchase or hold right now. I have all except CRWD and U, but they seem to be coming up in your lists more frequently.
Read Answer Asked by Neil on November 17, 2020
Q: If you just received $200K extra cash and would like to invest it in CND and US stocks in a non-registered account for maximum returns in 3-5 years, which CND and US stocks would you choose? For this, higher risk would be acceptable. Please prioritize 4-5 of each of the CDN and US stocks.

Would there be any changes, if it was going into a couple's TFSA's with sufficient contribution room?

Thanks, and please deduct as many credits as appropriate.

Read Answer Asked by Alvin on November 16, 2020
Q: What would be your top 5 US and TSX companies for a TFSA? - focusing on growth but wouldn't turn down dividend payers! Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Michael on November 16, 2020
Q: Hello, I have been holding Intel for more than 5 years now. According to what I read in the Q&A I believe the time has come to sell it and buy something else. Would that make sense to buy Roku to replace Intel? Another option would be either NVDA or QCOM? What would you do? Thank you, Gervais
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on November 16, 2020
Q: I am looking for a few stocks that are good for day trading. I know this is not something you guys really do but can you list a couple stocks that would be good day traders?

Read Answer Asked by sean on November 16, 2020
Q: Hi team,

With 22 tech stocks weighting some 34% of my portfolio, I assume you would recommend that I rationalize my approach for a better diversification, both in my tech sector and in my portfolio as a whole.

To accomplish that, while keeping a strong growth approach, could you indicate which are, in your view, 1) the « must own » stocks, in order of importance 2) those which could be dropped because of « double emploi » or high risk, 3) those missing to properly cover the tech sector ?

Please feel free to use as many credits as you see fit.

Gratefully yours,

Jacques IDS
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on November 15, 2020
Q: Hi,

I hold a 2.5% position in NVDA after selling half to lock in my original costs. I'd like to pick up another high growth chip maker/developer/fabricator, and the listed companies are on my watch list. Ideally the company would have a great balance sheet (net cash), a pipeline of great products and great opportunity for growth - no dividend needed. Can you endorse one or two and/or recommend something not on the list?

Read Answer Asked by Cameron on November 13, 2020
Q: I asked this question on my phone few days ago and I haven't seen the answer yet:
Can you give me your current top 3US and 3CDN growth stocks?
3US and 3CDN compelling recovery stories post covid.
Read Answer Asked by JR on November 12, 2020
Q: I have to add US tech exposure (missed the boat) and only 4 percent which translates to $350,000. I already have 60 holding (total portfolio) which is already high but I’m ok with it given the size of my portfolio. Which would you pick? Should I just buy all 4 at 1 percent holding increasing to 64 holdings or pick just 1 or 2?
Read Answer Asked by Chris on November 12, 2020
Q: I'm looking for growth companies that stand a chance for considerable capital appreciation over the short and long term. Please rank these companies from most likely to least likely to increase in value. If you know of other companies that are poised to increase in value please add them.
Read Answer Asked by Les on November 06, 2020
Q: Hi 5i Team,

Can you please tell me what Tech Companies you would buy today (US and CDN) in light of the sell off for a 5 year hold.

Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by Patrick on November 02, 2020
Q: Hi Peter and the gang,
Please give us your top 10 'keeper' stocks in Canada and US.
Thanks a million
Read Answer Asked by Ray on October 30, 2020
Q: Brett asked a question today. You mentioned 20 “keeper stock”. You mentioned 2. What would be the others?
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on October 28, 2020
Q: Hi 5i team,
This morning AMD announced its long rumoured takeover offer for XLNX. XLNX shareholders get 1.7 shares of AMD. CNBC reports it as a valuing XLNX at $143 per share, although AMD is under some pressure in the pre-market. I assume the long closing date of end 2021 is also a drag on XLNX upside. I may or may not hold onto XLNX. Is AMD a good buy here, with some pressure on it, in the fight against INTC or are there better growth candidates in the chip sector?
Thanks again for the insight.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on October 28, 2020
Q: What stocks do you like for a growth oriented RRSP with 15 to grow? Maybe 5 CAD and 5 US.

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by DUNCAN on October 27, 2020
Q: Could you please provide a few growth names on U.S. or CAN market you would buy with new money today?
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on October 26, 2020