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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Would you be comfortable bringing VRT up to a full position? I currently have half a position and uncommitted funds to increase that to a full position. If you would prefer more diversity, can you provide three other suggestions for a US growth stock - not in the consumer cyclical space - for a TFSA? (NVDA already held.) Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on March 22, 2024
Q: Can you please update your opinion on STM? Is it an "Ai company" and if so, why has it not taken off like many of the others? They seem to be focused on "edge ai" which may just be their branding or is it a different way of commercializing AI than what companies like Nvidia do? When I last asked about it in July you seemed somewhat constructive on the stock so I'm intrigued as to what it may be lacking or missing in the minds of investors to cause it to sit out the recent rally. Perhaps it isn't AI enough? Your recommendation on its worthiness as a buy or hold would be appreciated as well as clarification that it is or is not really an AI play and whether that matters to the investment case please.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on March 22, 2024
Q: EDGE AI - which stocks are aligned with EDGE AI? In your view, is this an important next step in the evolution of AI?
Read Answer Asked by sam on March 22, 2024
Q: I have a ~1% position in ERF (Enerplus), in an RSP, which looks to be taken over by Chord (CHRD). Most of the ERF proceeds would be in CHRD shares (a company I don't know much about), with only a relatively small amount of cash received. Meantime, my portfolio is currently ~8.5% oil & gas (SU, CVE, TOU, IMO, CPG, etc.) but only ~3% "chips" exposed (, MSFT). From your perspective, what do you think of selling some (or all) ERF now, so as to buy something like ASML?

Read Answer Asked by Ted on March 20, 2024
Q: Can you suggest 3 "best" US stocks for growth other than MAG7 ?
3 best US with dividends. thanks
Read Answer Asked by Fernando on March 20, 2024
Q: Sorry for asking another tech ranking but I read a question about some of your best ideas currently and I want to mesh with my current holding. Can you please rank the above stocks for purchase/hold today?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Neil on March 18, 2024
Q: 1. Please let me know your thoughts on the best choices of Semi Conductor and Related Companies to own going forward...

2. What would be the Core Holdings going into this Ai moment +

3. Please Rate companies I have listed as Must Own 1, to 5 as Worst...

4. How do you feel about the Valuations and Stock Price of the Current companies listed...

5. Awaiting your answers..., Do You think it is best to wait for a pull back on certain stocks in the list, That may be core holdings for future...

Thanks in advance,
Read Answer Asked by michael on March 18, 2024
Q: I opened an FHSA and am looking to max it out and put half in index and half in high growth potential stocks. Not looking to purchase a home for min 5 years up to 10. If i end up not buying I would just flip it over to the RRSP. What are some stocks that you would recommend that have a high upside potential? CAD or US stocks.
Read Answer Asked by Ashleigh on March 15, 2024
Q: AMD The perpectives for this stock are sometimes contradictory. Some analysts see it as as a promising competitor of nvidia with a great future. Others on the contrary are very more sceptical...about a possible sustainable performance. What are you appreciation on a 2-3 years range? Thank you very much
Read Answer Asked by Gabriel on March 15, 2024
Q: Good Day,

I picked up CELH and CROX based on the answer to my last question, and added in POWL to boot. Based on my portfolio in my previous question, was POWL something you would consider redundant in my account, or would you be fine with that type of addition in your portfolio.

I have been holding SNPS and CDNS for a minute now, and it just seems to bounce back and forth between +5% and -5%. Are these mostly growers on news and earnings? What are their respective Expected growth rates over the next 1 and 2 years?

This brings me to almost "fully deployed". I have noticed in the last couple weeks that the volatility in the market seems to have increased, and the average of that volatility seems to be sort of flat over this time. I have seen some videos and articles calling for the "AI Bubble" to burst, etc. Do you think there will be a cooling in that space coming? and if that occurs will the market follow it? I've seen many replies where you state that NVDA has a clear 18 month runway for growth, and thus I imagine the companies that support it as well, does that still hold true in your view? If said cooling could be coming, would it be worth the fees to say, shrink/cut some positions? Or is that too much like timing the market and thus better to stay in?

Thanks for everything,

Read Answer Asked by James on March 13, 2024
Q: Has the US high tech sector peaked in price yet, or would you recommend 4 stocks with lots of upside pls?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on March 13, 2024
Q: Can you suggest an AI
play at this stage. A little late to the game perhaps??
Read Answer Asked by Bill on March 13, 2024
Q: Hello 5i,

On Feb 28th 5i provided answers to Jacques and David on the top 10 US and CAD stocks to own in a TFSA. Thank you for that answer.

Can you please provide the top 12 stocks overall (CAD or US) in order of priority that should be in a TFSA? We have both US and CDN funds + CDR's. Diversity is not important at this time and we are anticipating that US stocks will outnumber CAD stocks in the top 12. Funds are not required for 6 years or more.

If this was your TFSA, would you have equal weighting or will one or more of the stocks have a higher weighting compared to other stocks? If yes, can you identify the stock(s) and the % of weighting? We can equal weight the remaining stocks.

Thank you


Read Answer Asked by Jerry on March 12, 2024
Q: I have been watching NVDA grow to an ever more out-sized percentage of my portfolio, and have been meaning to trim, but have delayed while I consider where to put the money.

Can you recommend some US growth options in either the consumer cyclical or healthcare sectors? I have a 5-10 year time range.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on March 12, 2024