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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: hi, portfolio analytics says I am underweight basic materials, consumer defensive, healthcare and industrials. can you provide a few Canadian and US equities in each category, that you would consider for medium to long term investment.
cheers, chris ( take as many credits as you need ).
further, I am overweight in utilities ( 18.6% of total holdings ) and financials ( 25.5 %). do you recommend trimming these 2 sectors? and in financials I own BN and BAM ( which I would suspect actually have cross-over with other sectors? )??
cheers, chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on June 23, 2023
Q: Since the healthcare sector in Canada is quite limited, I would like to explore the option of purchasing 100% US healthcare stocks to better represent this sector. I would greatly appreciate it if you could suggest six stocks that I should consider. Thank you in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Esther on June 23, 2023
Q: What stocks would you suggest for a TFSA of about $70k for a 30 y.o. with a 10-15 year time frame?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by A on June 21, 2023
Q: I have owned ENB for 6 years / it continues to disappoint. Russ Healy was on BNN saying net overall asset value continues to drop in the last 5 year's and i agree with him as my performance is negative (down 6% in the last 5 years, (this is excluding the dividend . Kindly explain how you continue to recommend this stock as it clearly is a loser in value the dividend is its only advantage... would TRP not be a better risk return or even Fortis / one of the pipes for that matter Thanks for your help with this . Lastly what is your top 3 picks in the health care sector
Read Answer Asked by Terence on June 13, 2023
Q: Hello, with the current inflation scene, economy and interest rates, expectations of a pause by Federal Reserve and possibility of a soft landing, what sectors will be your favorites to invest/overweight today with a 5-10 years horizon ? And, in these sectors, what will be your best 3 picks, based on current valuation and future growth, in order, with suggested price levels to buy/add ?

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on June 08, 2023
Q: I currently have a portfolio with these six holdings. What would be your current top 5-10 Cdn and/or US buys to diversify the portfolio and put a large cash balance to work for a 5-10 year time horizon with total return as the primary objective
Read Answer Asked by Chris on June 07, 2023
Q: Further to my earlier question regarding covered calls, can you please suggest some higher volatility US names that would be suitable. Your 2015 CMS article advises the use of companies with no debt and excess cash that are more volatile than the market. I would imagine this points mostly to mega cap tech names, but some diversity in the list would be appreciated. Thank-you.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on June 07, 2023
Q: Peter,

You recently mentioned recently the way to play AI was through U.S. Mega cap companies. Which ones in particular were you referring to ? Are there any ETF's worth reviewing?

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by paul on June 05, 2023
Q: I have been fortunate to own the above names, some for not as long as I wish I did. When you look at their 10 year charts they are impressive. Can I ask you to list a few more Canadian and perhaps several U.S. stocks that maybe also pay a small dividend but that you consider must own names for long term growth? (I do own BN as well). Thank you as always.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on May 02, 2023
Q: Hi Team,
I own some Cenovus stock. Today's quarterly results were not great, and oil price is sliding along with the share price. I am debating whether I should keep holding this name. I don't really care if I have oil exposure on not, I am ultimately seeking the best long term growth I can achieve regardless of sector. This being said is there any stand out buy's that you would rather own today compared with continuing to hold CVE? I am looking mostly at Canadian names, or US names that CIBC has traded on the neo (Canadian hedged). this a bad time to sell oil names with the recent weakness in oil price ( if you believe oil price will stage a recovery here shortly). Your suggestions are appreciated. Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Shane on April 27, 2023
Q: Hi Peter,
I have over 6 figures to invest for 3 or more years for a Canadian holding company and am looking for suggestions to invest in each of the sectors, in a combination of ETFs and stocks. I would like to be more tax efficient where most of the returns would be in capital gains (total returns are mostly in the growth of the stocks, less in dividends). Investments can be in any geographic areas. In terms of risk level, I am comfortable with your balance portfolio approach, where it has some elements of growth.

One example I have, closer to income than growth, is HXH-T. It is a dividend ETF, low MER cost, with beta of < 1, pretty risk adverse. The price of the stocks is the index it tracks plus dividends.

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Roger on April 26, 2023
Q: I have a 2% position (of overall portfolio) in Savaria, and up until I looked up its sector classsification, I had considered it to be in the healthcare space, given it is in the business of improving accessibility for those who are physically challenged. As per the Yahoo! Finance portal, Savaria is listed as an industrial company. This investment is held in a RRSP account, so capital gains taxes are not a concern.

My questions are as follows:

- Is it reasonable for me to continue considering this as a healthcare investment, due to its target consumer base?

- Using a long-term (at least five years or longer) time horizon, would you be able to name any other potential companies of interest in the healthcare sector in both the Canadian and US spaces which I could target as potential replacements? The availability of a dividend from a replacement investment would not be a requirement for consideration for me: I am primarily concerned with total return over a longer time horizon.

- Of these companies, would any of them serve as probabilistically (given there are no guarantees in investing) better investment vehicles given the time horizon I have provided?

As always, I appreciate your time, and I look forward to reading your response. Thanks so much!
Read Answer Asked by Domenic on April 04, 2023
Q: Hi everyone at 5i!
I am up 370% with my stock in NVDA and would like to trim a third of the stock. With the proceeds I would like to add to a portfolio holding AWK, BRKB, BX,COST,EMR, ISRG RSP. QQQ. JPM MDT MSFT, NVDA , PEP, PG, O , VZ, V, WM . I am looking for two or three stock suggestions that would round out this list for growth or growth and income.
Read Answer Asked by Tamara on April 03, 2023
Q: Hi there,

I'd like to own 8 companies listed in the USA (but not necessarily USA based companies). The holding period can be 5 - 10 years or more as I am many years from retirement. I would like to focus on companies that have a moat and pricing power and strong earnings growth now and anticipated future earnings growth.

I am leaning towards an oil company, an insurance company, a resource company, a semi conductor or 'tech' stock, and the financial services industry. I want to avoid stocks de jour as I got badly burned this year in things like upstart, apps, and unity, although I understand that upstart may benefit from AI and I am open to considering that one as well.

I am considering: Abbv, Lnth, Sanofi, ISRG, Visa, Fisv, Nvda, STmicroelectronics NV, Sea Limited, Meli, and Anet, Mckesson Corp, Oxy or COP, among others.

I am not asking for a full report on any of the names above, just trying to throw a few names out that I was looking at. I am also open to etfs.

What would be your top 8 picks (not necessarily the ones I've mentioned)? I am okay with risk. Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by Jason on March 31, 2023