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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i.
Would you please consider the following as recommend a company or two that may fit the bill?

I have been looking at the tech stocks run up in USA but not yet joined the ride. I do believe FB, Amazon and Google are super companies and stocks but can not seem to pull the trigger given high price and buying in US$.

Is there a Tech stock worth purchasing that would sub for these US juggernauts(business growth and price appreciation) - Or do I just move on Google or Amazon?
Does TIO fit the bill given its high score as one of Canada's fastest growing companies?

Thanks for your contributions.
Read Answer Asked by David on June 03, 2016
Q: Where to go now, NHC has done me wrong, should I just get out. I know you don't really like it, do you have an opinion going forward, where to head.
I feel the U.S. may be better than Canada for a while. I am thinking of buying SHW-COST-GOOGL notwithstanding they are all in different spaces, where would you put your money. I kinda favor SHW because it seems to have good 3rd and 4th quarters, more paint sold no doubt. Now the last last question, I own WSP and it is down somewhat, should I perhaps switch over to SNC. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on May 11, 2016
Q: Hi Peter - I purchased GOOG stock on March 28th @ $1,120. I also received notification of a Special Dividend. Do you have information on the special dividend and how it may impact the GOOG price in the short and long term. My investment objective is LONG TERM as I view GOOG as a premium company in this space.

Thank You for the great service! My best investment in recent Years has been membership to 5i.
Read Answer Asked by Luigi on March 31, 2014