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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: We are selling our house and will be renting a condo instead, so I’ll have 500k to put in the stock market. My current portfolio is mainly Canadian dividend stocks and bonds, providing me with plenty of retirement revenue. I am light on non-Canadian stocks and was looking at buying the above-mentioned stocks for a long term holding period (10+ years). Do you have issues with any of these stocks, and if so, what are those? I happen to be a customer/user of these companies, except for PFE. thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Martin on April 06, 2022
Q: I hold this ETF in my riff along with canadian BCE and T Its performance and yield are not the best. I initially liked the mix rather than just adding something like verizon or ATT US telecom exposure. Is this worth holding in this enviroment? thanks for your opinion
Read Answer Asked by Tom on April 05, 2022
Q: In a taxable well diversified account would you take a loss on SQ to buy PYPL or any other US stock in which case please make 3 suggestions. Currently hold AAPL, GOOG, CRWD, CROX. Looking for growth with medium risk. I'm a patient investor but could use some capital loss this year.
Read Answer Asked by Yves on April 01, 2022
Q: Hello, I am using Portfolio Analytics and it's suggested allocation is to increase Consumer Cyclical, Industrials and Utilities and increase in U.S. exposure. What is your suggestion for these categories for investment into TFSA & unregistered with a 10-15 year timeline? stocks or ETFs? thank you
Read Answer Asked by Bren on March 31, 2022
Q: Our grand-daughter, age 19, needs help with investing mid 6 figures $$, with funds not needed for 10 years or more. She is seeking guidance from her parents and grandparents with this. We would appreciate if you could provide appropriate suggestions and some direction.

Thank you for helpful service.

Read Answer Asked by Pat & Cyril on March 28, 2022
Q: I am a recently retired 60 year-old investor who has a DB pension, fairly large RRSP, and wish to hold off CPP until age 70 for maximum benefit.
So based on the above, even with some income-splitting, tax-wise I am going to get taken to the cleaners once I hit my 70's. I am planning to withdraw some RRSP money over the next 10 years in an attempt to lessen the hit.

Generally I am a dividend investor, but the dreaded dividend gross-up does further damage to my situation with regards to the OAS claw-back. I am wondering if I should be adding more of the growth type companies instead (eg. BAM, CSU, FSV) instead of adding to my dividend-paying stocks.

I know you are not tax experts and don't expect any specific advice, but do you have a general opinion on a retiree balancing their mainly dividend portfolio with some growth? I always thought dividends were taxed better than capital gains, but that gross-up is the enemy here.
Read Answer Asked by James on March 28, 2022
Q: Based on current valuations, irregardless of sector weightings, what are your favourite top 5 US growth stocks for a 10 year timeline.

Read Answer Asked by Greg on March 28, 2022
Q: Hi,

A question was asked on March 16 about both GOOG & GOOGL splitting in July. (yes, for both).

I checked and it looks like the CDR version trading on the Neo exchange will follow suit as well, but there is a twist.

From the CIBC-CDR website: "... CDR holders will experience the same economic impact of a share split as they would if the underlying security (GOOG:US) were held directly."

They go on to say, it could either be an automatic increase in the number of CDR shares held (at the same 20:1 split) or it could be an increase in the "CDR Ratio", also by a factor of 20.
Either way it's equivalent, but I'd rather see the extra number of shares showing up in my portfolio, as opposed to just having the CDR Ratio get adjusted in the background by NEO & CIBC.

I guess we will know more in July.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on March 25, 2022
Q: I’ve landed on 200k and looking to invest. Would appreciate your advice how to disperse my money. 5-7 year time frame, and money will be mostly invested in a tfsa.

What are your top 10-15 growth stocks (Cnd and/or US) to begin a portfolio. Top 2 ETF’s.

Also, do you believe 5 years is long enough for a full recovery in the market ?
Thanks for everything!

Read Answer Asked by Nick on March 24, 2022
Q: What is a solid level of free cash flow a company should deliver and what are your favoured 5 stocks in each of Canada and the US with high free cash flow? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 22, 2022
Q: Given the recent price jumps in some of the US recommendations you have been making, can you give me your top 5 long-term holds in terms of their current price?


PS. I understand your timelines, but if you could answer quickly because tomorrow morning will be my last buying opportunity for the next week.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on March 17, 2022
Q: Good day team, I was wondering if you could provide some growth stocks either in the US and Can that have very little to no debt.
Read Answer Asked by Seamus on March 16, 2022
Q: Hi,
I'm looking for 5 or so US companies who will recover very quickly once we hit bottom. My plan is to do a little gambling and buy long term calls.
Thanks for all the help over the years.
Read Answer Asked by Gerald on March 15, 2022
Q: I have $35,000 CAD to invest in a non registered account. Can you suggest a couple of names worth looking at (US/Can)and why? I have a 7 year time horizon.

Thoughts on how you might deploy? Buy now, in thirds over the next few months or wait?


Read Answer Asked by Don on March 15, 2022