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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi there. Can you comment what the impact of GOOG, MFST and AMZN and their creation of their own Quantum chips is on companies like RGTI and IONQ? Are RGTI and IONQ trying to do the same things as the bigger companies but from a weaker position or are they complimentary or poised to benefit from innovations of these larger companies? Obviously RGTI trying to beat GOOG at R&D if they are racing the same race seems like a long shot.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on March 03, 2025
Q: In January you suggested a portfolio for 2025 could look like the one noted below. I’m 90% invested. position size is a high of 5% (full position) and 2.5% (half position) depending on my perception of size/risk. Based on the current climate, I lowered Nvidia is down to 3.5% - anything you would modify today? 5i - a mix of quality Cdn. and US stocks, with a lean to growth: GOOG, NVDA, VRT, CLBT, AXON, JPM, RTX, CRM, NBIS, ISRG, BKNG. CSU, TRI, BN, WSP, WELL, GLXY, CLS, ENB, TD, SLF, V, BAM, COST and CRWD. Calling out I also have a 4% position in Amazon and 2% Shopify.
Read Answer Asked by Don on February 26, 2025
Q: In process of rebalancing growth leaning portfolios, so for the Communications sector, what would be your top five or six "must own" holdings, any market in this sector. Currently I have a notional 6% allocation to sector and small positions in GOOG, SIXG (FIVG), NBIS, and Telus. At a 3.6% position I have room to grow and looking for ideas.
Read Answer Asked by William Ross on February 25, 2025
Q: What are your top 6-7 growth stocks for Canadian and US markets and what makes each one worthy of making the list (moat, momentum, management etc)?
Read Answer Asked on February 25, 2025
Q: Hello 5i team, I am a young investor looking for the top 5 growth stocks you’d recommend for long term hold currently.

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Liam on February 21, 2025
Q: Please rank these stock for risk relative to US Tariffs from High to Low.....yes, wonder how defensive these US stocks are......Many thanks.....Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on February 21, 2025
Q: Can you give me 3 US strong conviction growth stocks in tech?
Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Peter on February 19, 2025
Q: Relate to my earlier question on BCE, to fund a single lot buy of GOOG after selling BCE, to fund the gap I need to trim or sell one or some of my existing USD holdings: BN, BAM, BEP, BIPC, BIP, SHOP, VGT, PLTR, ICLN, PRMB. I like them all. What order would YOU consider in selling/trimming? Most have some tax implications due to lengthy holding periods.
Read Answer Asked by William Ross on February 18, 2025
Q: Hi can you please comment on earnings and possible reason for the reaction in after hours trading? as down almost 20% at one point, today looks like it's recovered almost back to yesterday's levels.
Seems like not many questions/discussions on 5i about this stock? surprising given it's performance and growth potential.
Read Answer Asked by Mark on February 13, 2025
Q: Hello 5i
I'm hearing noise about a rotation away from the Mag7 type companies. Could I have your perspective please?
Also what are the expected EPS growth for each of the MAG7 for 2025?
Thank you so much!
Read Answer Asked by Dave on February 13, 2025
Q: Hi 5i Team,

I'm curious about your thoughts on sentiment turning against US equities in the coming months. I'm already exhausted seeing all the foolish tweets and news clips coming out of the Trump administration and I have to believe many others are too. Trump 2.0 seems much worse than 1.0! Also, I've been hearing that European markets are already outpacing the US market so far this year and I'm wondering if the US market deserves its current valuation given the increased volatility and increased risks?

I own many US stocks (e.g., 5 of the Mag 7, COST, ISGR, HD, TT, SYK, RS, ZS, HON, V) and I'm thinking for the first time of selling/trimming some of these. I would look to increase my dividend-paying Canadian stocks to generate more income. I'm also thinking about European dividend payers?

I'd appreciate your general views along with any comments you might have related to selling/trimming some of the stocks I've mentioned above. I'd look to sell into the end of this month and buy favourite TSX dividend payers (e.g., ENB, SLF, CNQ, BEP.UN, BIP.UN, T) or others you might suggest after the next tariff decision in early March.

Like many members, I have to thank you again for the wonderful service you provide. Your Q&A section and market reviews are fabulous, especially during difficult times! I also realize this is a long question and the answers are worth more than one credit.


P.s. I had registered to attend this week's webinar which may have answered some of my questions. Unfortunately, something came up over lunch and I missed the webinar. Please let me know if there's a chance of catching a replay.
Read Answer Asked by Lisa on February 10, 2025
Q: Rob's question regarding Constellation not issuing new shares and any other companies, I thought maybe BRK fit that or because of BRK.B guess not.

Also not to nitpick but CSU and GOOG can't be compared in the non issuing equity even though not a direct comparison as you did say "To our knowledge, GOOG has not issued shares other than for acquisitions, which is not quite the same" as GOOGLE has issued insane amounts of shares via SBC and of course they buyback to keep share count BUT Is there not a better way? BEN HUNT says it well I think:

"When stock buybacks are used to sterilize stock-based comp (i.e., a company gives managers stock with one hand and buys it back from them with the other hand), no money is “returned to shareholders”. This is true whether or not management actually sells its shares into the buyback program.
Stock buybacks only “return cash to shareholders” to the degree that the buyback program reduces the share count. To the degree the buyback program does not reduce the share count, but simply sterilizes new issuance to management, it is purely a transfer of wealth from shareholders to management."

Thoughts or rebuttal to that?

For readers on Constellation:
Mark Leonard was funded with 25 million from OMERS in 1995 to start, they had one private placement in 2000 that Leonard regrets for 60 million (TD Capital – Birch Hill and OMERS), then going public in 2006 no shares were issued just provided exit for OMERS/Birch Hill.

The best things about them among never issuing new shares for acquisitions etc is they have no Stock Based Compensation or RSU/ESO and that combo is not replicated anywhere (plus executives and employees having to buy stock with parts of their bonus and hold for 4 years is great alignment).

This along with numerous other factors are why its my highest holding and you never worry about it, ever, 10 years reading your answers and your views have never changed on this company, you have always been a big bull and wish I didn’t wait until 2022 to buy or really understand the company!

Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 10, 2025
Q: Hi,

I've been in and out of GOOG many times over the years, and love their products. Recently I've been more and more interested in the robo-taxi development and really think there could be something there, but I'm admittedly not so up to speed. I know TSLA is on to something, but I just can't get behind that one...

Can you drop the Coles notes on Googles WAYMO division and your thoughts on their position in this space, and how their tech compares to others in the space as far as how far along they are in going commercial?


Read Answer Asked by Cameron on February 06, 2025