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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: In response to a recent question on BIP.UN, you mentioned it is best in a RRSP or non-registered rather than a TFSA. Is that the same with BAM.A:CA and BRF.PR.E:CA as well? Is the RRSP the best account tax wise? I understand this is true for all US Dividend paying stocks and US Reits, but is it also the same for any TSX listed stocks that make income outside of Canada? Then for TFSA accounts, are they best for Canadian and US growth Stocks, and Canadian Reits?
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Pat on May 27, 2020
Q: A few days ago BRF.PR.E was recommended on BNN as a candidate for both a good capital gain and at the time a 7.5% yield. It promptly got a 20% hike in price and now yields 5.8% and has returned to it's normal trading level . So I missed that little opportunity. But as I don't have any fixed income it made me have a look around for other beat up preferreds where I discovered another Brookfield product BAM.PR.B down in price and currently yielding 8.8% .BAM.PR.B is a floating rate preferred and I was unable to find out which kind BRF.PR.E is. I don't really understand which type of preferred is more desirable than others but I do have faith in Brookfield getting through this mess maintaining the dividends on their preferred shares. Please explain the desirability of one over the other of these two preferreds ? There is a considerable difference in both their highs in price and current yield . Thank you for your guidance through these tough market times.
Read Answer Asked by Garth on April 15, 2020