Q: I owned CXB and it more than doubled. Then I wanted something a little more established so I put the money into KL. It started off well but then I ended up down 20%. When it merged with AEM, I sold KL for the tax loss and bought AEM thinking the combined company looked like a really good gold company. Now I am down 4% on AEM. This now amounts to less than 1% of my overall portfolio. Gold is supposed to be a stabilizer in a portfolio but I have lost faith in it. I certainly don't want to buy more. Do you think someone should have a little gold in their portfolio?
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: Hello 5i,
Further to your answer to Sylvain, I was wondering if you could now compare AEM to KL. While you slotted AEM ahead of Barrick, you did not compare it to KL and I am curious as to how you feel they compare.
Many thanks!!
Further to your answer to Sylvain, I was wondering if you could now compare AEM to KL. While you slotted AEM ahead of Barrick, you did not compare it to KL and I am curious as to how you feel they compare.
Many thanks!!
CCL Industries Inc. Unlimited Class B Non-Voting Shares (CCL.B)
Lundin Mining Corporation (LUN)
iShares S&P/TSX Global Gold Index ETF (XGD)
Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. (IVN)
Neo Performance Materials Inc. (NEO)
Ero Copper Corp. (ERO)
Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd. (KL)
Reliance Inc. (RS)
Nutrien Ltd. (NTR)
Q: My Materials sector needs to be increased to about 10% of portfolio - currently I have only 1.3% - all held in KL (underwater 15%).
I note you have ccl.b in the Balanced Portfolio but it does not seem to be in your recent recommendations for Materials ? ?
At the moment my shopping list looks like this:
LUN, IVN, ERO, NEO, NTR, RS, FCX, XGD ( Sell KL ??) , CCL.b ??
Would appreciate your assessment and comments and suggestions for alternatives. Dividend not necessary.
Use whatever number of question credits req'd. Thanks as always.
I note you have ccl.b in the Balanced Portfolio but it does not seem to be in your recent recommendations for Materials ? ?
At the moment my shopping list looks like this:
LUN, IVN, ERO, NEO, NTR, RS, FCX, XGD ( Sell KL ??) , CCL.b ??
Would appreciate your assessment and comments and suggestions for alternatives. Dividend not necessary.
Use whatever number of question credits req'd. Thanks as always.
Q: which are the best gold stocks etf and mutual funds to buy as well do you think now is the time to invest some money into the commodity?
Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd (OR)
Agnico Eagle Mines Limited (AEM)
B2Gold Corp. (BTO)
Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd. (KL)
Q: is this a good bet on gold? Please advise reasons if another name is better
Canopy Growth Corporation (WEED)
Shopify Inc. Class A Subordinate Voting Shares (SHOP)
Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd. (KL)
Cronos Group Inc. (CRON)
Canopy Growth Corporation (CGC)
Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd. (KL)
Shopify Inc. Class A Subordinate (SHOP)
Q: Is there any advantage or disadvantage if I buy any of above stocks to my registered accounts (TFSA,RRIF) on Canadian versus US stock exchange.
What is the better choice and why?
What is the better choice and why?