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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: You no doubt recognize parts of this list from a recent write up u did.
I have owned Kirkland gold for quite some time
If I wanted to add to my above gold position with the ones I have listed above , would u rank your favorites please.
I quite like photon, is there another in the space u would look at to purchase at this time.
I am quite enthusiastic about XBC which has fallen from its high, should I perhaps add more
At this time . Do u continue to like it and is there a competitor to it Cdn or US you would recommend to buy. Thank u always for being there with good info and clarity

Read Answer Asked by Maureen on February 16, 2021
Q: Liking the semi conductor and related space, which of the companies listed would you suggest to hold for greatest growth over the next 3-6 months. Provide other companies names if you feel are better
Read Answer Asked by Howie on February 11, 2021
Q: Looking to add semi-conductors into my portfolio, as there is a shortage of product and high demand in the Automotive and Electronics industries. Interested in your perspective on Analog Devices, NXP Semi-Conductors, STMicrelectronics and Micron Technologies, as they have all had a great run, but still have high Buy ratings. If you think these have had a great run, and has some risk, what alternatives would you recommend. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by alisa on January 12, 2021
Q: Please provide your top 10 ranked Canadian and US stock that are dividend aristocrats (at least 5 years of increases annually to their dividend or distribution) in the order you would purchase them.
Read Answer Asked by David on December 22, 2020
Q: I would like to add some coverage in semi conductors. What are your thoughts on these stocks? Is investing in the ETF a better bet? Any valuation concerns with SMH? Do you have other suggestions that are not overvalued?
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on December 22, 2020
Q: I am an experienced investor and for years have been selling short strangles, in the money puts and out of the money calls around some of my core position stocks, such MSFT, UNH, SRPT etc with good success.
Last week, I sold naked positions around NFLX, picking Jan 15/2021 expiration, which is before they report earnings and expecting NFLX to be substantially range bound until then.

Sold  NFLX 01/15/21 455 PUT at 15.10
Sold  NFLX 01/15/21 515 CALL at 16.10

The trade is profitable between $424 and $546 and in an unlimited loss position outside the range (a risk I am prepared to accept).

My question is, do you have any stock recommendations, for stocks whose prices are not likely to fluctuate a great deal over a a defined period of time, or any screening methods to identify such stocks, so as to trade puts and calls as I described?

Thanks in advance for your insights.
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on November 30, 2020
Q: I am looking to buy semiconductor company. Was wondering what you thought of the three that I have been following. Could you please rank them in order of preference and if you have one or two others you can include It would be appreciated.
Thanks John
Read Answer Asked by John on November 25, 2020
Q: hello 5i:
I hold AVGO, and have done very well with it, but the valuation is beginning to look stretched. I'd like to stay in the same sector, but most tech valuations look high. INTC and LRCX look "reasonable". While not completely similar (subsectors differ), can you give me your opinion of these two companies? I've reviewed other questions eg you like NVDA, but with a PE of 90, as compared to INTC's 9, I can't see this as a contest (yes, I realize there is more to valuation than just looking at PEs). We also own CSU, OTEX, and PANW in this technology, with a small position in PHO. Normally, we're very long time holders eg. bought CSU at $115 (no, not a misprint). Look forward to your comments, as I really dislike stock gains to evaporate, unless they're being held for income.
Paul L
Read Answer Asked by Paul on September 11, 2020
Q: I own the following 6 tech names (ROP is technically an industrial but fast moving into software) in my RRSP, each at about 2% weighting. I am thinking of gradually adding one or two FANG names to round this up. I am looking at MSFT and/or GOOG. If these makes a good complement, do you consider one or the other a better buy today?
Read Answer Asked by Christian on July 30, 2020
Q: hi there,

I own a basket of chip companies including AVGO, Nvidia, Microchip in my US 401K and am looking to add Intel based on research that they have the best AI chips out there and will set them up for new technology going forward. Your thoughts. It would bring my total position to 5% of my portfolio.
Read Answer Asked by kelly on June 02, 2020
Q: I have held pho for about a year and thinking of selling pho and buying nvda as they are down the same thus increasing the quality of my semi conductor exposure. Also I have made a lot of money from csu and kxs and have sold them and bought a small exposure to msft for the same reason. Does this make sense to you....thanks for the great service
Read Answer Asked by gene on February 13, 2019
Q: Hi there,

I inherited all 5 of these positions in my US portfolio and looking to reduce to 3. i am leaning to NVDA, AVGO and QCOM but I know very little about MCHP. I am also concerned about letting go of TXN given their role in converting analog to digital signals. YOur thoughts. I am looking for a balance of growth and a stable dividend.
Read Answer Asked by kelly on February 04, 2019