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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I had purchased both Amazon and Netflix in equal weighting for my US holdings, at 2.5% each. I rode the wave of Netflix to top $130 only to see it tumbling down right to where I started. No harm, no foul. The question is, though, is the long-term growth of Netflix intact, notwithstanding its recent slowdown? I tend to have faith in these behemoths re-inventing themselves, but it doesn't always work out. Would it make sense to move this money to Amazon, or does it make good investment sense to hang on. (The other position I was thinking of adding to instead of Amazon is NVDA, now held at 2.5%, roughly.) Thanks, as ever, for your sound advice.
Read Answer Asked by Sylvia on July 22, 2016
Q: I understand Amazon isn't your area of expertise, but can you give us your opinion of Amazon. If you look at a 10 year graph, one would think that steep curve upward signals it's in bubble territory.

For a company that still hasn't made any profits, are you optimistic about Amazon living up to its share price?
Read Answer Asked by Eugene on November 29, 2013