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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i, I'm a growth oriented investor with a broad diversified portfolio.
I have a full position in Transforce (TFII). I'm currently down 15% and thinking what I can currently do to increase my overall rate of return. In your professional opinion, would you suggest myself to sell TFII, take the loss and redeploy and invest in a similar company such as CNR? and or, invest in something in a different sector that would possibly produce more growth such as AMZN, BABA, GOOGL, for and within an investment time frame of 2 years. Please feel free and suggest any companies that you would recommend now for growth. Thank you for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Valter on June 12, 2017
Q: Hi,
I currently don't hold any tech. With the drop last week almost sector wide would you think this is a good entry point? I'm long term (at least 3-5 years), fairly comfortable with risk. What would you recommend? Any drips available will be utilized as well.

Read Answer Asked by david on June 12, 2017
Q: Good morning gentlemen,

I have fairly large gains in the fang stocks as well as with Apple. With the Nasdaq taking its second consecutive beat down today, Would you be inclined to take profits. With Apple being down close to 8 percent in two days ( due to downgrades, ostensibly), in your experience. Does a stock like this rebound the following day? Also, do you think the sector shift away from tech could be an enduring trend?

All of the aforementioned positions are at 5-6 percent holdings.

What I'm getting down to is : sell today, or wait for a rebound ? I understand the former involves a degree of market timing, but surely with your many years in the industry, you must have some flair for such events.

With much appreciation,
Karim Rahim
Read Answer Asked by Karim on June 12, 2017
Q: Good morning, 5i team,

I know you don't usually give advice on US stocks. I wonder if you can provide your opinion if Amazon is a buy at the current price! What do you think of the valuation n growth in the next three years? What would be the greatest risk?

Do you think it's better to buy a Healthcare stock instead? If yes, can you provide a name or two mainly for growth?

Thanks a lot! Rossana.

Read Answer Asked by Rossana on June 05, 2017
Q: The accelerating economic trend towards online commerce is one I feel is woefully underrepresented in my current portfolio. How would you suggest I address this today? Buy AMZN? Buy SHOP? Would half positions make sense given the strong runs these stocks have had?
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on May 04, 2017
Q: Hi. I have two companies in the consumer discretionary portion of my portfolio; Canadian Tire and Walmart, each comprising 5% of my total portfolio. My stock portfolio consists of 18 companies spread over most of the TSX sectors. I am contemplating gradually replacing Walmart with Amazon and would like your opinion. Thanks.

Read Answer Asked by John on February 21, 2017
Q: In Today's answer to a question by Peter,
5i wrote:
"Certainly AmazonGo is something that needs to be watched, as it reduces costs and time for the customer, thus it could be very popular. But others will follow if the techology works well, and Loblaw has already started a big online push."

Is this the technology that Shopify supplies ? Is there further opportunity to invest in this type of technology .
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on February 08, 2017
Q: Hello, above are the list of us securities i hold. Can you give me your top 5 US conviction names, mid to large cap, preferably not financials as I am already overweight this sector. Your choices do not have to be sector specific. Thank you!

MSFT (Microsoft),CVS (CVS Health),IBB (iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF),AMZN (Amazon Com),RIO (Rio Tinto PLC),PG (Procter and Gamble),LULU (Lululemon Athletica Inc.),DIS (Walt Disney),NFLX (Netflix),DY (Dycom Industries),RTN (Raytheon 'B'),CVX (Chevron),TWX (Time Warner),JPM (JP Morgan Chase and Company),BAC (Bank of America)

Read Answer Asked by Karim on January 04, 2017
Q: Hello Peter,
I have not seen any news (yahoo, google etc) to account for a big drop today on ACQ. Any idea please? Also, can you comment on why Amazon given their release last night why their stock hardly got hit, yet DH Corp and others take a huge loss if they miss earnings, etc . Do you think it has to do with forward guidance which may lessen the losses. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on October 28, 2016
Q: Hey team, I've decided to add these two stocks to my portfolio as long-term investments. My one hesitation is with timing. As both are sitting around all time highs right now, would you suggest holding off for a couple months to see if they decline, or would you go ahead and pull the trigger? In a perfect world I'd like to pick these up around $700/share.
Read Answer Asked by Mark on September 23, 2016