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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter, Ryan and 5i team,

I recently sold my position in BYD.un and would like to instead deploy the funds to add another one of the FAANG stocks?
The ytd return on BYD.un is just about 10% and would like a growth stock for a 5+year hold. I own half postions in FB, GOOG and would like to know which would you add and have most conviction with for a long term (forever?) hold? I was leaning towards AMZN, BABA or APPL? Or would you suggest a half position in a two of these?

Thank you as always for your valued opinion,
Read Answer Asked by Romeo on October 18, 2017
Q: From 1-5, how would you rank the FAANG stocks on growth prospects over the next 5 years? How would you rank them on risk profile over the same 5 year period?
Great website.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on September 27, 2017
Q: Could AMZN prior to buying Whole Foods short stocks like Kroger, Costco, Target and Wal Mart and use the money made on the short to buy Whole Foods for the win?
Most companies use cash to buy equities. Or would this be totally offside?
Read Answer Asked by Terry on September 15, 2017
Q: Greetings 5i,

My portfolio is well diversified across all Canadian sectors, but lacking in American holdings. I am therefore making an effort to increase my US exposure, and am considering adding one of the FAANG stocks to augment my Canadian tech holdings of OTEX and PHO. Currently. I am leaning towards AMZN (as I view it as a great mix of established market dominance and growth potential based on its diversification into brick and mortar), or APPL (due to its massive cash position and what appears to be excellent stability going forward).

I am 36, fairly conservative (although not totally opposed to risk), and am looking for something to hold for the long-term.

Do either of these choices sound like a reasonable course of action to you? Do you favour one over the other at this time? Is there another large American tech holding that you feel would be more appropriate?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lucas on September 06, 2017
Q: This is my dilemma I already hold 32 stocks. I own the above stocks with full positions in SBUX and MG and 1/2 position in AMZN to make up the consumer discretionary portion of my portfolio for a goal of 10%. This currently makes up 8% of this sector. My question is do I add to AMZN for a full position or add another stock? I own most of the stocks in the balanced portfolio and if I would follow that TOY would be your choice if I add another stock(I think) or would you add something else to the mix if adding another stock makes sense. My $US/$CAD mix is pretty much in line with what I want so I could go either way on that option. Thanks for the opinion in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Cheryl on August 21, 2017
Q: Own both these US stocks as well as Shopify. Would like to consolidate to just two stocks. Which one would you suggest saying bye bye! Not held any of them for long but willing to keep for 1-3 years. Thanks so much for your succinct and knowledgeable recommendations.
Read Answer Asked by Dr Lorraine on July 31, 2017
Q: I am considering the following: selling Royal Bank, BCE and CGI which are in my TFSA plan and then repurchase them in my RRSP plan and at the same time, sell my Amazon and Google which are in my RRSP and repurchase them in my TFSA. The basic reason is having the growth stocks in the TFSA. Does this make sense or are there any consequences?


Read Answer Asked by Robert on July 31, 2017
Q: Isn't the fall in SP an over reaction?? Home Depot has been successfully fending off Amazon with successful online retail of its own for several years in many of its business lines already (hand and power tools etc). Not to mention people don't like buying a lot of their goods online and prefer to buy or pick up in person. I just don't see why there's such a big reaction. I own HD shares and am now a bit under water. I don't typically like holding on to losers very long. What would be an appropriate stop loss level for this stock and/or what are your thoughts on the stock moving forward. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Scott on July 20, 2017
Q: what is your favourite ETF or growth stock that is outside Canada. Is it a good time to buy it now?
Read Answer Asked by Helen on July 19, 2017
Q: looking to build a 5% weighting in consumer discretionary. hard sector to buy into given the Amazon effect. Had my eye on ULTA and SBUX for a while and they have pulled back to what looks like decent entry points. SBUX has an iconic brand and always seems to be able to grow the business. ULTA has done really well, seems to have good financials (very low debt) and good same store sales growth. how would you view these names in the cons disc space? would you have any better suggestions?
Read Answer Asked by Richard on July 07, 2017
Q: Good afternoon,
I hold the following stocks in my business account that have a weight of between 6.2% and 8.3%. This account was started in DEC/16 and has increased by 6.7% YTD not including dividends. I want to add six more stocks to further diversify while reducing the percentage per equity down to between 4 and 5%.

My goal is to generate income equal to the amount of corporate tax payable annually. I looks like this can be achievable!

Let me know if I need to share dollar values to help access.


Read Answer Asked by raymond on June 28, 2017
Q: I currently hold CVS and am down 21%. In a response today to a question about WBA, you indicate that a switch from WBA to HD would be okay given the structural change being brought about by AMZN on the purchase of Whole Foods. While the person asking the question had a good gain on WBA, would your response be the same for my position in CVS?......thanks....Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on June 19, 2017