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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i. I owe the above noted stocks. Weightings= amzn-8%, goog-6%, avgo-4% and apple-12%. Please advise how would you adjust weightings going forward in 2018 and 2ndly, would you substitute any of these tech stocks with any other ones you deem better plays?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on December 18, 2017
Read Answer Asked by Susan and Philip on December 04, 2017
Q: Hello,
I was reviewing the data available via TD Waterhouse including Thomson Reuters reports, and compared revenue and net income growth in the past 2 years of Amazon, vs Alibaba vs (all somewhat in the same industry but latter 2 in China).
My read is Alibaba and have significantly higher growth in both metrics than Amazon.
Would appreciate your review please and thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on November 30, 2017
Q: Good afternoon 5i. I own the following stocks. Today there`s been talk about possible sector rotation of funds going from tech to financials. The Nasdaq is down 1.3% today. My portfolio stands as of right now at 22% tech and 15% financials. Would you recommend I leave my portfolio as is or should I lean more towards financials going forward?


Read Answer Asked by Robert on November 29, 2017
Q: Hello,
Can you name a few interesting companies in the tech space in Canada, US and overseas which are involved in cutting edge and new technologies. Of these which would you consider interesting stocks to watch?
Read Answer Asked by Shyam on November 20, 2017
Q: I hold googl cgi full positions over longer term recently added csu nvda shopify sis gud half positions all doing good

nvda did best l for the shortterm.i held . AS s its likely the most volatile should I trim it?
my real question is should I add facebook Microsoft amazon as they all appear to have steady runway. if it makes sense I could add two half positions (which two ?}
or buy an fang etf ?if I buy etf that has googl I will sell half my current googl.
hope you can make sense out of this-
Read Answer Asked by thambirajah on November 20, 2017
Q: I own Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google plus others. The four stocks have done extremely well for me. I have reviewed the charts for each stock and they go from bottom left to top right; the 200 day moving average looks great, the stocks touch the line and then moves higher; the top line and eps are getting better all the time; they are all spending significantly on RD for the next AI or AR or self driving cars or whatever; and they are dominate in their respective industries to name a few comments.
What gets in their way to make them stumble? Is this or these event(s) soon?

I can’t see a reason to sell or trim.

Thanks as always.

Read Answer Asked by Clayton on November 13, 2017
Q: From the list of us growth play, which 5 would you pick for your rrsp with 10-15 yrs time frame ? Or any other us stocks that stands out in your mind.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on November 09, 2017
Q: Hi David,
I'm looking to add three positions to my business passive account -- i'm up 15% year to date.
I have equal weight in each stock and am looking to add more diversity. A combination of income and growth US or Canadian -- minimum $1 billion market cap.

What would you recommend here.
Read Answer Asked by raymond on November 07, 2017
Q: I intend to reduce my equity holdings for two reasons – I need to free up some cash for other projects and, secondly, I am concerned about the current risk in the equity markets and want to discharge an investment loan I have against my house. I am happy with the securities I own and their % in the portfolio. Consequently, my plan is to generally reduce across the board.

I own both ENB and ENF. Should I sell one and keep the other or reduce both?

I also own ESP. It has been a wild ride and I am presently down about 25%. What is your outlook on this stock over the next couple of years? Given my plans for portfolio restructuring should I sell and book the loss or continue to hold?

In the US portion of my portfolio I own GOOGL, AMZN and FB among others. If the market enters a severe correction do you see these as more risky than the US market in general?
Read Answer Asked by Ross on October 31, 2017
Q: Hi,

I have a few questions:

1) What is your comment on the current price of JKHY? Is it too expensive or overvalued?

2) Amazon's price rose almost by $130 this week. Is it too expensive now? Should I wait for pullback to add more or sell half position?

3) What do you think Apple's growth prospects are? Is it worth it to buy now?

4) What is your comment on OCLR?

5) I still have a number of question credits left in my account for this year's membership, will they carry over into my next year of membership (I have already purchased next year's membership)?

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Lai Kuen on October 30, 2017
Q: I have never owned amazon, apple,, Facebook. I owned intel, Cisco and nvdia (sold way too soon) over the years. Could you rank which you would buy first in order of safety for five years. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Helen on October 23, 2017
Q: Hi Folks,

I'm interested in purchasing 1 or 2 of the FAANG stocks for a long term hold. How would you rank them at this time? Do you consider all to be good buys at today's prices?

Thanks as always...

Read Answer Asked by Dennis on October 19, 2017