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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i,
These companies are all I have in the tech sector. Can you rank them for me and are they all currently buyable? I’m a long term holder of dividend companies can you recommend a couple more or maybe I should just buy more of what I have. Your help is appreciated!
Read Answer Asked by Mark on July 16, 2024
Q: Could you suggest some US dividend stocks that you think are a buy right now and that may do well over the next year. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Pat on September 13, 2023
Q: As a dividend growth investor, with plan of living off of dividends well into retirement over the next 5 to 25 years (based on start of retirement and life expectancy assuming average Canadian life span), REGARDLESS OF SECTOR, what are your SAFEST and STRONGEST dividend paying stocks (with an equal emphasis on safety of dividend and strongest being quality of company).


Read Answer Asked by Ernest on July 10, 2023
Q: What would be your top 5 US and Canadian Dividend Stocks with good outlook for growth as well.

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on February 28, 2023
Q: I have read a number of articles predicting that a large number of jobs, possibly in the order of 1 out of 5 or more, will remain work at home after a vaccine is developed for COVID. If companies learn to manage "work at home" employees efficiently in North America, then it seems only a matter of time before these companies start transitioning their workforces to less expensive labour, employees who "work at home" from low cost countries. Do you agree with this hypothesis? If you do, it would seem to me that international HR firms will be in high demand, to assist firms to source skilled labour in low cost countries. Which firms do you see as being able to benefit from this possible trend? At the moment, it seems to me that the market is focussing mainly on the high tech beneficiaries of these trends.

Thank you for your excellent service, and thoughtful insights.
Read Answer Asked by Dale on June 23, 2020
Q: Hi,
I already own some MA but I want to add more exposure to this sector. Which of these companies would you suggest for a long term hold with minimal volatility? (I'm not sure why why my TD webroker trading platform lumps CRM into the same category as the others but it does?)
Is there a credit card ETF you like?
Also, are there any equivalent Canadian stocks?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on March 18, 2019
Q: Hi,
Automatic Data Processing Inc NASDAQ:ADP -Your assessment please on ADP as a long term holding - mostly as for it's dividend. It appears to be a consistent dividend grower, but are there other US stocks that you would recommend ahead of ADP for a combination of growth and dividend growth/performance. A Report at TD by Thomson Reuters has recommendations varying from Sell to Strong Buy?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on May 22, 2014