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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you please comment on CAE latest earnings released today. Was there anything of particular interest to note from the call the call (either good or bad)? What is your view of this company after this latest report (buy/add, hold, sell, or trim like you did with model portfolio)? Are there other names in Canada or in the USA you prefer and would recommend over CAE?
Read Answer Asked by Justin on June 01, 2023
Q: I hold UNITY and APPS , now less than 1% and at a substantial loss as part of a US $ registered account tilted to growth and, intentionally, heavy in tech. In addition to the above two, it has the following holdings, with % shown of TOTAL (U.S. & Cdn) portfolio, followed by % of profit/loss, Our Canadian portfolio is balanced and much larger.

META .75% (+21%) , TEAM 1.9% (0%), CRWD 2.7% (-20%),
QCOM 3.7% (+45%), MSFT 3.8%(+116%), GOOG 4.5%(+6%), and NVDA 8.8% (+200%).

I am looking at selling U and APPS and perhaps TEAM (?) , increasing META to about 1.5 and looking for something new. Maybe SMCI - but after the parabolic increase in the last month maybe that needs to be on a pullback. Anything about this that you would do differently., including alternatives to SMCI ?
Take as many question credits as needed - many thanks.

Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on May 30, 2023
Q: Hi team,

This is more of a second order question - so nvda is clearly doing very well, where could we look for benefit on the supplier side, ie. the inputs for what they need for the AI?

Read Answer Asked by David on May 26, 2023
Q: I’m invested for the long term. Do you view any of these names as no longer holding any long term potential?
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on March 22, 2023
Q: Over the past two years with the downturn of the market, I am down significantly with majority of these holdings in various accounts. I have a long-term 10+ year outlook, so looking to see if you feel any of these can be sold off given the outlook, management of the company? If so, what are your recommendations for a growth investor in either CAD/US stock options?

Read Answer Asked by Andrew on January 04, 2023
Q: Hello 5I,
I am down 55% or Apps.
Just wondering if you would hold on on switch into something else. Looking for something with similar upside of course.
Read Answer Asked by Tyler on September 02, 2022
Q: Based on current valuations, irregardless of sector weightings, what are your favourite top 5 US growth stocks for a 10 year timeline.

Read Answer Asked by Greg on March 28, 2022
Q: Given the recent price jumps in some of the US recommendations you have been making, can you give me your top 5 long-term holds in terms of their current price?


PS. I understand your timelines, but if you could answer quickly because tomorrow morning will be my last buying opportunity for the next week.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on March 17, 2022
Q: With interest rates rising, companies with heavy debt loads may suffer somewhat.
Can you please offer 5-10 top picks with large cash balances and low debt w/best bets in each Cda and US? also which big cap sectors would you stay away from due to large debt holdings? many thanks...
Read Answer Asked by adam on January 28, 2022
Q: Please ignore if this has been asked by others, but let's say Mr. X challenges you to the same competition but for US stocks, and this time he let's you pick first. What are your picks?
Read Answer Asked by Rick on January 04, 2022
Q: Could you name a couple of growth stocks with a 3-5 time horizon ?
Read Answer Asked by HARRY on January 03, 2022
Q: Please list around 5 TECH stocks that you like in US or CAD that are not 'expensive' when compared to the high fliers with little to no earnings. Please exclude the FB, GOOG, APPL, AMZN, NVDA and MSFT.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on December 17, 2021