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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Morning,
I recently acquired some information about a new project development in Alberta. A European private equity company has purchased 5 out of 6 quarters of land along the corridor from Edmonton to Calgary(I know this part for a fact). They are going to invest 1 Billion on each quarter of land for Data Centers. Apparently Alberta has a great amount of Dark Fiber Optics available which is perfect for this.
Do you see any investment opportunities here? I assume these Data Centers will need a huge amount of power, so would power producers be an area of opportunity? Such as CPX . Let me know what you think and any ideas.

Read Answer Asked by Don on August 02, 2024
Q: Hello, Currently I hold NVDA, Meta, Google, and Palantir stocks in the tech sector. Could you recommend additional stocks that would complement my portfolio during this AI boom? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Esther on July 11, 2024
Q: How should one employ the forward price to sales multiple to determine value? What I’m trying to figure out is when to avoid a stock that has gone over its skis as they say. Take stocks from ultra to pstg to Crwd - we go from 1 x earnings to 23 x. By that gauge, one presumably buy Ultra. But when I think of value, I remember how I once bought Rim over Apple because the former looked cheaper. Can you comment on any guideline for us of this metric? Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by Jason on July 11, 2024
Q: Dear Peter:

I have a small sum, about 10 k USD from locking in some profits. I can only write covered calls in my Registered accounts. No cash secured puts! Any candidate that you may want to suggest for writing covered calls? (can only be in 100 shares lot, right?) The ones that have attractive premiums are very expensive!

Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on July 10, 2024
Q: Thanks to your sage advice, I am up significantly (again) on NVDA. Last year, I let it run up to 10% of my holdings, sold half and purchased VRT (now up 30%). NVDA has now increased to 8% of my portfolio. I understand there are multiple drivers currently at work turbo-charging the price of this stock (earnings, stock split, upcoming DOW listing, forced acquisition by ETFs, etc.). All this prompts three questions. How large would YOU let your NVDA grow as a percentage of your portfolio before trimming? Assuming you wanted to trim, when do you think the stock price will start leveling off (assuming the absence of black swan events)? If you wanted to take some profit and invest it outside tech, what would be your three highest conviction US stocks today? AMZN, MSFT, VRT, GOOG, V, and J already held. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on June 20, 2024
Q: RBC isnt showing much revenue growth for 2025, considering the massive capex spending announced recently in big tech, I'm thinking of moving on here. I realize it's up 45% ytd and 128% in a year, it's also up 128% in 5 years, of which I've been in the stock, are analysts being too conservative? I already own NVDA and VRT, interested in other high conviction names that will benefit from from the capex?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on May 06, 2024
Q: I acknowledge that timing a revenue growth inflection is a fraught undertaking. Could you suggest one or two stocks that you believe have the best opportunity and your thinking.
Read Answer Asked by sam on April 12, 2024
Q: I’ve held this name for 6 years and haven’t made a cent. Global warming may ultimately be the demise of this business. Looking to replace with a high growth U.S. name. What other businesses with a market cap less than 20 Billion would you put on the same growth trajectory as CELH?
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on March 26, 2024
Q: AI is expected to increase data generation requiring "massive increases in bandwidth" [BAC] to transmit that data. Which companies are investable to provide the equipment to handle the data increase. What target buy prices would you advise. Please rank your top 3 ?
Read Answer Asked by sam on March 26, 2024
Q: In a previous question I asked a few months ago,
- One of the questions I asked was :
- What Companies do you think was a screaming Buy... And You said SMCI...
- Good call!

- Now my Question is : Currently in this environment, What would you suggest is a Screaming Buy.. - In any Sector, Based on current stock price and valuation

Thanks in advance,
Read Answer Asked by michael on March 18, 2024
Q: Can you suggest an AI
play at this stage. A little late to the game perhaps??
Read Answer Asked by Bill on March 13, 2024
Q: looking for small to midcap Ai stocks might be referred to as adaptors.
would CTS be considered?
Read Answer Asked by howard on February 27, 2024
Q: Its likely this has been asked before but I couldn't find it... Besides the big guns NVDA, MSFT etc what smaller AI players providing the picks & shovels look good forward ? Which ones would make good targets for the big guys ? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on February 23, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
Now that NVDA earnings have completely proved the markets “fear” going into the print completely wrong ; what’s your take on the stock going forward ? Continued momentum? Buy, trim , hold ? The way it looks to me comparing valuations and insane revenue growth rates NVDA might be on its way from #3 spot to eventually taking over both apple and Msft as largest company. Do you see this as correct? The crazy thing is AI is just getting started. Seems like a huge market for NVDA going forward with many countries that haven’t even touched the surface of getting started. I don’t want to sound overly bullish but looking at the future of the world dynamics with digitization of everything this seems to be the future . This being said ; there will be massive demand for data center infrastructure. What companies are the best to play this ? HPS.A seems like data center infrastructure will be a big area of growth for them . Your thoughts please , Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Shane on February 23, 2024
Q: I'm looking to invest some funds...

Question 1 :
- Should I Add to my current positions ?
- Which ones?

Question2 :
- What companies should I add to my portfolio?
- Screaming Buy And/Or Must Have in my portfolio ??
- Rank 1 Screaming Buy...then...

Read Answer Asked by michael on January 23, 2024