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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i,

We sold two stocks that had were poor performers but they improved in the past few months in our RRSP. Can you rank the following stocks to purchase if we were to initiate a 1/4 position today for a 5-year hold? Our intention is to start 2 or 3 positions to see where they go, and add funds to the best two over time.
Would the ranking be the same for a TFSA or non-reg account?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on August 16, 2024
Please also advise if any of these don't need to sell.(TAX REASON)
Highly appreciate your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on December 18, 2023
Q: Hi group assuming some sort of recession next year along with present pullback what is your top 10 picks in order of preference / Entry points $ targets. Ignore sectors and US verses Canada Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on December 19, 2022
Q: Hello Peter and Ryan,

I just read a negative research report on Guardant Health in Seeking Alpha, suggesting it may not be returning to its growth premium anytime soon. If you were to have a change of mind on seeing it as a HOLD, can you suggest a few compelling replacements from your current US high-growth list of favourites (within or outside of this sector)? Thanks, Brad
Read Answer Asked by Bradley on December 19, 2022
Q: In your reply to Shane you said "we think an investor who chooses the right stocks, and can do nothing for three years, is going to see some very hefty returns when this thing turns"; please elaborate and give me a few names. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by K on November 10, 2022
Q: You mentioned yesterday you think there any many good companies that have the ability to double or triple in time. At this point could you give 5 US and 5 Canadian names?
Read Answer Asked by Tyler on November 07, 2022
Q: Hello 5i,
Continuing on Pietro’s question posted on Oct 31, 2022, please recommend a few (3 to 6 companies) good buying opportunities in the cyclical sector.

Read Answer Asked by Roger on November 02, 2022
Q: Hi 5i:
I've been away for a while and not keeping up with Questions, so this may already have been asked and answered. if so, please provide a link to the answer.
I'm hoping you could advise what sectors you think will reverse the current trend and begin to appreciate in value more quickly than others and, also, if you could identify three or so names you would expect to 'lead the charge' in each of those sectors.
If time and space permit, any commentary you might have regarding each identified sector and/or name would be appreciated. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 13, 2022
Q: Hello,

Regarding your recent blog-very nice one!

Could you provide some stock/bond suggestions
For the examples provided,

-companies expected to grow at 50% over the next year
- solid growth companies
-small cap
-suggested corporate bonds long term.

Thanks very much.

Read Answer Asked by Shyam on October 12, 2022
Q: Can you provide a 'buy' list for a person wanting to deploy $200,000 (inside RRSP) with the goal of creating 5% or more sustained cash flow - as well as growing the original capital to keep up with inflatiion? We do not have company pensions - this would serve to supplement our government pensions.
Thinking, 20 stocks across all sectors @ $10,000 each (or 5%)
Also could you include 10 growth stocks (inside TFSA) for a total of $250,000 - gotta have some fun ;)
Many Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Jan on October 07, 2022