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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: In your answer to a question recently asked on Genomics, your suggestion was to buy an ETF such as ARKG or EAGB. You also mentioned that if so inclined you could start adding small amounts in specific stocks which of course be riskier. Would you be able to suggest 3 or 4 of these stocks either US or Canadian, preferably at least one of each.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on January 19, 2021
Q: Thanks for helping guide my families investments in such a crazy year. With my twins having only 4 years until university 5i's advice was a game changer in terms of returns and helping one sleep at night. Over the last week I bought two of my nephews in there early 20's a 5i subscription (which due to your generosity also gives $70 to the food bank!). I am so excited for the potential your teams sound advice will give them for years to come

While I have you, a couple questions (please charge accordingly). I am full up on tech (and then some) but was intrigued by your recent responses on MITK and RDFN. If you were to pick one which would it be? Would you use DOCU as a possible sell candidate if you needed to raise cash to buy one of them? Secondly, would you buy either QS or CRSP after there meteoric rises?

Thanks and happy holidays,
Read Answer Asked by Brian on December 23, 2020
Q: Hi,
I am interested in your thoughts on these companies. EXAS and CRSP are a part of the recently fast moving ARKG ETF but both seem to offer products that would appear to offer continued growth. Would that be correct? The other two, VEEV and SGEN have been struggling price wise lately, SGEN is starting to see improvement, do you think VEEV still has good potential into the next year or two? I've also noticed more comments on Unity Software, but do not know much about it and it isn't listed in your data base. Take as many points as you need, as I'm asking multiple questions. Thanks for all your insight and suggestions, all very much appreciated!
Read Answer Asked by Dawn on December 16, 2020
Q: Hi guys. Would you be able to tell me your ratings on these medical stocks for growth and risk please. It would be a 3 year time frame minimum. Thks again for the great job you do.
Read Answer Asked by wilson on December 14, 2020
Q: Hi 5I team.
My question is about healthcare and diversification in the space. I have been attempting to keep my position around the 16% portfolio weighting and currently hold ABBV, AMD, AMGN(4.8%), LLY(3%), PFE, MRNA, and WELL positions. Although I do not want to abandon the PFE/MRNA freight trains, I am looking at adding/shifting to what may be a longer term/higher dividend return avenue with the use of GILD(attractive entry and solid div), CRISPR(awaiting a pull back to $90 if it comes), and even MDT(under $103 if it comes)

How do you feel about this strategy and the switch out of AMGN/LLY to GILD/MDT?

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 23, 2020
Q: I have no medical training nor have I worked in the field of medical research.
I do, however, have some knowledge of that area and have followed advances for several decades.
What thoroughly stunned me was the discovery of CRISPR-Cas9 in the field of genetic engineering as well as our current ability to design molecules for use as therapeutics.
I have no doubt as to the success that will come in these areas. What stopped me from investing in them was the fact that so many people were working in these fields that choosing the wrong company seemed very possible. For example, who wants to buy the 3rd best cure for a disease threatening one of their own family. The many possible cures and therapies being investigated for Covid are examples of this.
It's rather like living in the early 20th century and becoming convinced that automobiles and airplanes might have a bright future, then going out and buying stock in Packard, Studebaker, Nash, Rambler, Hudson, etc. The list of failures goes on and on.
I finally bit on ABBV and CRISP just as we descended into Covid hell but not at the bottom. I chose ABBV for their expertise in therapeutics and CRSP for gene editing.
Fortunately I'm not asking you to comment on the technologies involved but rather on your impression of the abilities of both companies to manage their businesses. What are their cash reserves like? What's their current burn rate? When might they be next raising capital; that sort of thing.

In my earlier days I bought several positions in some truly impressive inventions. One actually resulted in several world records. Unfortunately they could neither manufacture nor sell the product. In fact some companies couldn't sell life preservers to a drowning man. The end is obvious. They went bankrupt.

Finally, you don't seem to include CRSP in your top picks in this area. I'm curious why. Don't like it, too many others to choose from or its European base?
Read Answer Asked by Larry on July 17, 2020
Q: Hello,

I took a 1% position, total, in these 3 names about a year ago, as a speculative buy. They have all declined, rather significantly since my initial buy, making all 3 names less than 1% of my total portfolio. I have however noticed some recent relative strength. Would you move on or do you see this area as an interesting speculative buy? To note, I also own a 1.5% position in Illumina. Thanks as always
Read Answer Asked by Aaron on March 11, 2019