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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Would Canadian funds such as ENCC, BANK, HMAX which hold Canadian stocks be taxed as dividend income or as capital gains income by the CRA ?
I believe that similar funds holding US stocks would be taxed as capital gains.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Catherine Ann on January 24, 2025
Q: I'm interested in an ETF - BANK-T - that holds mostly Canadian banks and major financial companies. I'm surprised that it's yield is about 14%+, and pays out monthly too. That seems to be too good to be true.

My question is how can BANK-T do it, consider the ETFs can only get cash from two sources - dividends from the stocks they hold and from trading gains of those stocks.

Kindly enlighten us on how they can afford to pay such hefty monthly payout? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Victor on November 25, 2024
Q: From an income perspective, could you provide your thoughts for a retiree, non-registered and % holding you may or may not be comfortable. I am somewhat hesitant on these high yielding CC ETFs because I can't help but think you are eventually eroding principal at some point because if the options are exercised you will lose the upside. thanks
Read Answer Asked by Steven on July 17, 2024
Q: Is there some way to score-board enhanced-yield Canadian bank ETFs/funds that assigns more weight to the factors that make more of a difference? Yes, fees add up, but even over the long term it's hard to see how basis-point fee differences could outweigh percentage-point yield differences. And won't either of these factors be outweighed by distribution tax treatment and, especially, by central bank rate-pivoting?

Further, in side-by-side comparisons, 5i often prefers larger ETFs (recently, for example, when comparing CBNK vs BANK.) But given large-cap banks' similar value-propositions and tendency toward mean-reversion, why should higher AUM matter (other than w/rt second-order effects like trading liquidity)? Put another way: what, if anything, could a new entrant to this sector do to make themselves attractive to 5i?

Please add to the supplied symbol list if other names provide more instructive comparisons.
Read Answer Asked by John on January 12, 2023
Q: I am currently somewhat overweight bank and gold stocks. Would these covered call funds be complimentary or simply increase sector exposure even more?
It's very hard to ignore the 11% yield with GLCC and BANK for an income seeking investor.
Why is ZWB 7% while BANK is 11%

thank you
Read Answer Asked by JACK on September 09, 2022