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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: In a relatively prolonged and deep recession,for each grouping of companies,please list in order from least likely to most likely to go bankrupt.

Read Answer Asked by maurice on March 27, 2020
Q: Hello,
Im wondering What you think of these two companies now that they have come down significantly in price. Do you see it as an opportunity to slowly wade in or stay on sidelines.
Do you believe they will survive this crisis? Do they have high debt level?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Josette on March 18, 2020
Q: Hi Team,
This may be a bit of a "shot in the dark" question, but what i'd like to know is your top 5 companies with a "high risk - high reward" profile and 5 in the "medium risk - high reward" for a 3-5 year hold.
Read Answer Asked by michele on February 13, 2020
Q: I'd appreciate your take on Premier Health which no analyst seems to cover. I discovered it while searching for other publicly-traded companies that use OSCAR as a platform for their electronic medical record (EMR) offerings.

WELL Health has been very clear that they are in the hunt for OSCAR-related assets - it so happens that PHGI has three of them (JunoEMR, KindredEHR and ClinicAid). They also have a couple of other assets that WELL would like to have or planning to develop (e.g. 4 clinics, a patient portal, telemedicine, a medical billing app, 2 pharmacies, interactive kiosks, etc.).
Read Answer Asked by Richard on February 10, 2020
Q: Hello,
From my observed reduction of the availability of family doctors, and subsequent basic health care, for some/many? segments of the Canadian population I see the emergence of different schemes of virtual, remote, telephone, etc services. Outside of the public funded/regulated scope this appears to be a fragmented industry ripe for some form of consolidation. Are you aware of any blue chip type companies making any moves either in Canada or elsewhere to fill this growing gap?

Thank you for your always refreshing feedback.
Read Answer Asked by Delbert on January 30, 2020
Q: Guys...I have some room in my portfolio for a few high risk, high reward stocks. Can you give me one or two from Canada and the U.S. that you like currently...this is long term money...doesn't have to be on your model portfolios either...thx
Read Answer Asked by dan on January 28, 2020
Q: I'm having trouble with the high valuations of some of today's star stocks. On top of that, and as illogical as it is, I have trouble investing in the these stocks after they have run so far. What 2 or 3 stocks are you guys watching at this time that are at beginning stages but have the potential to turn into stars like shopify
Read Answer Asked by Todd on January 27, 2020
Q: Hello 5i,
Could give me the growth outlook for these healthcare companies. I realize some are quite small and riskier but just looking for the growth numbers at this point.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Dave on January 24, 2020
Q: On several occasions when responding to questions about WELL you mention risk - an excellent point as it is a relatively small company. 

But in comparison to many other smaller companies there are important aspects that in my mind mitigate the risk somewhat. For example:

- the quality and reputation of management and its obvious ability to attract investors

- founded first and foremost on the ownership of health clinics (relatively stable recurring revenue, insulated somewhat from recessions)

- disciplined/focused in its choice of foundational corporate software platform (i.e. OSCAR).  OSCAR is open source and free of royalties - think of RedHat's success.  OSCAR is its singular software focus - think Westjet and the cost savings by limiting maintenance to only one type of  aircraft. And then the cost/effort when it comes to adding new functionality (e.g. telemedicine) to your product like all software products must do. 

None of this guarantees unqualified success in the marketplace of course but what additional risks should an investor in WELL consider?   Thank you.  
Read Answer Asked by Richard on January 16, 2020
Q: Hi Team
Can i have your opinion on these 5 stocks and how would you rank them base on their
quality of management, growth and risk.
Read Answer Asked by Danny on January 16, 2020
Q: I am considering adding one or two of the above stocks to my TFSA. I am looking for a growth company. If you could give me two suggestions either from my list or if you have a choice of your own that may have better potential. Of the ones that you choose could you elaborate on why they would be a good choice in the TFSA.

I really appreciate your advice in this question section. It has help me on many occasions in making a better informed decision when purchasing the stock.
Thank you again.
Read Answer Asked by John on January 15, 2020
Q: Good Morning:
In a well diversified portfolio I have above "growth" stocks at 1.5-2.5% weighting in my TFSA. They've all performed the same either slightly down or flat and was wondering if you would add to, hold or sell any of these for long term hold.
Thanks For any advice.
Read Answer Asked by Craig on December 09, 2019