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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: HI team,

I am looking to start a RESP with a 15+ year time line. My 5 month old son loves the stomach churning world of small cap investing, just like his old man. What are your thoughts on putting all 2500 of this year's contributions towards PHO at its current value. I was also considering allocating 1000 shares in PHO and the remaining in GUD. My thoughts are that we start off with some higher risk/growth opportunity, which can be throttled down as our time line decreases. I would appreciate any strategic guidance or alternative suggestions.

Read Answer Asked by Ryan on May 26, 2017
Q: Looking to add 4 positions for growth. I have high energy exposure but can add to all other sectors. High risk tolerance. Long term time horizon. Recommendations?
Read Answer Asked by Chris on May 12, 2017
Q: I bought this stock earlier this week en route to emulate your Growth portfolio in my TFSA. I currently hold a 1.6% position. The stock dropped 7% in 2 days,is that the normal volatility for this stock or there is something to be concerned about? Does this drop become an opportunity to take a full position (~5%) as per you portfolio allocation. Thanks for you insight
Read Answer Asked by Francois on May 09, 2017
Q: I would like to add a few small cap "seed" positions that have the potential of growing a at a rate of 25% plus per year, i.e. essentially a triple+ in 5 yr. I already own PHO and ITC and am interested in GSY, PEO, BUS and PTE. Could you rank these equities (staring from highest growth rate) and include any other small cap candidates that I have not considered that fit the criteria.
And thanks for all the savvy advice provide by your service. James.
Read Answer Asked by James on May 08, 2017
Q: Hi,
I'm young and have good income, good risk tolerance and no need to withdrawal any of my investment dollars anytime soon. I'm looking for long term growth mostly. Currently I hold the listed stocks, do you see any names that jump out as really bad/ should sell? Is anything really lacking and maybe should be added? Right now everything is held in a tfsa.

Read Answer Asked by david on May 05, 2017
Q: I have been watching this micro cap (Eurocontrol Technics - EUO)for awhile now. After the sale of one of their technologies early last year the company is now trading at approximately cash / cash equivalents on the balance sheet and it boasts some interesting imagery & composition technology in the semiconductor measurement space which is just entering the commercial stage. The technology seems somewhat aligned with Photon Controls business which has done wonders. Would this be an interesting business combination? What do you think of EUO as a micro cap speculation for high risk capital?

Read Answer Asked by Scott on May 03, 2017
Q: These are some stocks in my Margin Account that don't pay a dividend . In my RSP, I have BCE , ABT , BPF.UN , and REITS and royalty trusts that pay great dividends .I have a fortune sitting in my RSP that keeps on growing due to dividends but I am 67 years old with a pretty low income . I am thinking that I be rotating these names and increasing my dividend income rather than increasing my RRIF liability in a few years ? I would really appreciate your advice - Thankyou for helping me have such "problems" .
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on May 01, 2017
Q: I thank you for your thoughts on CZO & NLN. However I am still interested in small cap companies and I am more than prepared to take some risks for some potential of mid term gain. What would be your 5 top small cap companies that you would recommend for me to put on my watch list???
Read Answer Asked by Bob on May 01, 2017
Q: Hi 5i - I have a well balanced portfolio with good performance thanks to you good folks at 5i. I'd like to put a little bit of 'mad money' into two or three high risk, high reward names, fully understanding the risk of losing it all. Are there any names in the Canadian or US markets that come to mind?
Read Answer Asked by Rick on May 01, 2017
Q: I have half positions in CCL.B, ZCL, GSY,ECI and PHO; full positions in SIS,KXS,SHOP,PBH and GUD. Growth from 'good' companies is my only consideration and I have a 10 year timeline. These companies are part of the growth portion of a balanced portfolio.
Please provide guidance on the following 2 questions:
Could you rank my half position companies with growth potential as the sole criterion.
Is it reasonable to increase one's stake beyond a full position in any company that has excellent future prospects? If yes, please rank my full position companies based on growth potential.
Thanks for your excellent service, as always!
Read Answer Asked by Warren on April 26, 2017