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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Would you buy or add to these names today and if so in what order ? Thanx Robbie
Read Answer Asked by Robert on March 26, 2018
Q: HI 5i, My TFSA account contains all this: CSU KXS PHO SIS, I'm looking may be for a new Stock. Considering COV or RHT, or any other (you think is better fit for me), of these two which one would you suggest for growth , some risk is ok.

Read Answer Asked by Fernando on March 23, 2018
Q: This group has posted disappointing results of late...what/when are the expected next earrings estimates? And when is it time to review whether these still should still be held? Thanks....
Read Answer Asked by adam on March 16, 2018
Q: Could you recommend 5 growth and/or income companies that are debt free? I currently hold CGY which, I believe is debt free. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Philip on March 12, 2018
Q: Hello Peter and Ryan,
Unless i am mistaken, Savaria missed the revenue numbers but did well on EPS. What do you think about the results. I was thinking of adding to the position to 5% as the trend still looks good for the company and the numbers overall were good.Any idea why Andrew Peller continues to surge and why Covalon and Photon Control continue to go lower? I know you have answered on the COV and PHO but they just keep getting pounded. Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on March 08, 2018
Q: Hello,

I currently have $3,500 dollars invested in CIB486 (Unfortunately half of my portfolio) in my TFSA. I also hold positions in PHO, COV, and GUD. I am in my early 20's, looking at a long-term hold, with a high-risk tolerance. I am thinking it is probably best to sell? If so where do you suggest going?

Thanks for the advice!
Read Answer Asked by eric on March 06, 2018
Q: My question is regarding someone with a substantial US portfolio who wants to invest in some Canadian companies. He is thinking of investing in a few Canadian growth Tech companies and a couple of blue chip ETF's. Can I please have your thoughts on this and some recommendations? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lois on March 05, 2018
Q: Hi Peter and 5i:
In my grandkids (ages 3 and 2) RESP I currently have as core ETF's:
XIU - $14,000
XAW - $11,000
I have this years contribution of $6,000 to invest.
My plan is:
1. Start doing some individual stocks.
2. Reduce XIU by $7,500 and buy TD.
3. PHO - Invest $3,500 (or might you suggest ZQQ)
4. XAW - Invest $2,500
Does the above portfolio approach look reasonable to you? Look forward to your suggestions and always valuable feedback.
Thanks so much.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on March 02, 2018
Q: I have too many question to ever use them up, so please consider this three separate queries. I have a high risk tolerance and follow my portfolio extremely closely. Technology is one of the few sectors performing well recently and I would like your opinion on whether these would be investments or gambles. Are any of these worth a full position (5%) or a half position. Or are there ideas you currently like better.
Thanks for all you do, this service is the reason I'm retired.
Read Answer Asked by Kyle on March 01, 2018
Q: 3 stocks you are very familiar with - COV this week went from 5.5 to 8 and back to 5.5. Is this computerized selling? The other two PEO and PHO are down considerably from their highs of all not that long ago. Do you see better days ahead for all of these stocks? They are in your portfolio so I imagine they should come around. Your opinion. Thanks for the service. Dennis
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on February 26, 2018
Q: Hello,

I have a question about PHO. Is there any reason for the recent "slump" in this stock recently? The stock is on a downward trend for the last month and market does not seem to like the announcement of its recent sale of the optical flow product line. Also could you tell me the next earnings date (where would I find this easily)?

Thanks for you excellent service!
Read Answer Asked by Douglas on February 22, 2018