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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am a 67 year old male pensioner with a limited income stream from CPP/Old Age and non-reg. and RSP funds(about 20 equity positions and a 27 % cash position).

At present I am very under invested in my TFSA and am about to transfer available non-reg. cash funds into my TFSA in order to maximize my contribution room. What would be your top ideas be in 'risk' and non-risk/safer equity positions?

Thanks so much,
Read Answer Asked by Dean on June 28, 2018
Q: Risky but growth possible similar to pho,which other stock would you recommend?
No consideration to sectors.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on June 15, 2018
Q: I'm thinking of following your lead and selling Stella Jones in my TFSA. Also, I have a small amount of cash to deploy. I hold the above stocks in less than full positions. Which would you add to at this point? I could also include COV although it's near a full position after it's nice rise. Also, what are the implications of holding an American growth stock in a TFSA. What would be your top 3 suggestions if you were going to add an American stock. Charge as many credits as necessary! Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rod on June 15, 2018
Q: Hi. There are several companies in the Canadian technology sector that I'm interested in buying. They are TSGI, KXS, PHO, CLS. How would you rank them in terms of their potential to grow? Thanks and have a good day.
Read Answer Asked by Esther on June 15, 2018
Q: Hi,
All the forecasts I’ve read for 1 year target for photon put it around 2.2-2.25. At 2.3 today, do you see much upside left or is the best part of this ride over? I’ve done well with it, so thanks to 5i for making me aware of it. If I was to cash out, do you have any other names for high growth companies that you would recommend a switch to? please name your top 3-4 as I own many of the companies you regularly recommend.

Read Answer Asked by david on June 14, 2018
Q: These company shares were strong yesterday GC, TSGI, TOY and GOOS. I own all four. Do you like them all for Long Term. What others would you buy ? RAK
Read Answer Asked by bob on June 13, 2018
Q: So now it makes sense why it crashed with no "news" I mean no news for us, but the promoters of the stock, new well in advance of all the inside maneuvers and took their profits , while dumb money are .. well dump money. Pretty much all health care stocks have been a disaster: PHM, CXR, PLI, CRH. The only way to make money on this type of stocks is to be early and leave once everybody is talking about them.

The above is a question asked by a member of this site for Reliq. if the above is true, why would you recommend to members that RHT is still worth buying. Please explain. Photon keeps bouncing to $2.30 level. Do you think it is worth adding to a full position and any idea why Spotify is surging everyday. Is Spotify a potential Netflix (in terms price appreciation). Lastly with the senate vote, i would have expected a surge in cannabis stocks, but they actually fell a bit. Thanks for your input, and appreciate your ongoing advice.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on June 08, 2018
Q: I am transferring funds to a TFSA and an unregistered account.I have picked the above to be put in my TFSA and would like another 10 picks for my unregistered account as well as your opinion on the 10 for TFSA please.Both accounts have 100k to invest with a 10 year time line to retirement.
Read Answer Asked by Brad on June 07, 2018
Q: If you had a perfectly balanced portfolio and room for one more 4% position, what one of the above would you choose?
Read Answer Asked by Kelly on June 07, 2018
Q: This week I will reduce my current energy portfolio (@12%), bringing it down to two holdings to a total sector percentage of 5%. I need a second suggestion for the Energy portion, considering RRX, though with a tendency to PKI.

With the available funds, I’d like to get into the Tech and Healthcare sectors, selecting one new holding each. I have earmarked RHT and PHO for Tech, with CSU and SHOP as secondary options. For Healthcare, I’m eyeing GUD, COV and PLI.

This approach is geared towards a slightly balanced but still aggressive enough growth portfolio.
Please advise on your top picks for each sector. Many thanks in advance.

Read Answer Asked by Dominik on May 28, 2018
Q: What would be your top 5 ( in order if possible) non-dividend paying CDN stocks that offer the best risk/reward capital appreciation potential over the next couple of years.


Read Answer Asked by Terry on May 28, 2018
Q: I have a small position in PHO. This is my only position in tech. Is it a wise move to invest in the tech space at this time, if so do you have a suggestion.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on May 25, 2018