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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning 5i,

Can you please provide me with your top 10 Canadian growth companies regardless of sector or market cap?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on August 10, 2018
Q: Hi all at 5i, I have about 45k invested with only 5k in cash. I own all of the above names and was wondering if you were to free up some cash which of these stocks would you trim. If you think 5k in cash is enough, do you think any of these names would be good to trade for another name? Do you have any concerns over any of these names at this moment in time.

Feel free to deduct as many points as necessary.

Read Answer Asked by Daniel on August 09, 2018
Q: Good day,

I currently own the subject shares in my TFSA portfolio. Are these stocks still worth hanging onto with the current volatility? I was considering selling everything and going with Vanguard or iShares.
Read Answer Asked by Enzo on August 01, 2018
Q: Hi, Could you please post street estimates for the quarterly results expected during this week. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on July 30, 2018
Q: I have to sell one of the following stocks in the immediate future...CCL.B, NFI, SIS, CLS, PHO. Based on their growth potential (1 to 2 years) which stock would you suggest selling.
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on July 30, 2018
Q: I have a well diversified portfolio using a passive index strategy. I have the above stocks in my TFSA to boost the total portfolio return. Thanks to 5i that has worked well. My current TFSA holdings are listed and I am up at least 15% on the first 5 stocks listed and plus / minus 5% on the last 5 stocks listed. I am in my early 70's and feel I don't want to spend as much time on the TFSA investments. Can you give me up to 10 buy and forget growth names for the TFSA and if some of the listed stocks are included in your list then so much the better. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Richard on July 23, 2018
Q: Hi. Thanks for all the great advise and suggestions you provide. Please recommend 6 to 8 growth stocks that are diversified if possible for a 10 year timeline.. thank you.

Read Answer Asked by DEXTER on July 18, 2018
Q: Hi,
I'm looking for some solid small cap companies in Canada.
Can you please list 10-15 companies and their industry.
Read Answer Asked by Mohammed on July 17, 2018
Q: The sleepy gaint,GUD has awaken from hibernation for summer,& hopefully continues with positives from analysts.On 7/12,Raymond James initialed coverage with a $10.25 TP PHO--Is there any reason for today's hit on above average vol.after grind up the last few days.Txs for u usual great services & views
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 13, 2018
Q: Unsure that this was sent a few mins.ago.Your best 8-10 stocks to buy today,Are there any table pounding buys here?.Thanks for u usual great services & views.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 12, 2018
Q: Hi !

I invest mostly in growth stocks but with 28% of my portfolio in tech, I may be overloaded in this sector. My present holdings are: CSU (2.7%) PHO (2.5%) KXS (3.2%) SHOP (3.5%) ADBE (3.1%) FB (2.7%) GOOG (2.6%) MU (1.8%) NVDA (2.2%) SQ (3.%). If I were to reduce the number of holdings as well as my tech %, on which stocks would you suggest to concentrate, identifying those with most growth potential and those more risky ? Are there any other stocks better suited to my goal ? Or should I stay the course here ?
Thank you for your good attention,
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on July 04, 2018