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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter and Team,
I hold these three securities in my RIF account with over 20% loss.
I am thinking of selling specially MAXR and PHO to replace them with two other securities with more potential upside when and if the market recover.
Please give your opinion and potential replacements.
Read Answer Asked by Raoul on November 26, 2018
Q: I had let PHO shares rise substantially, trimmed close to the high which made me feel smart, then watched them go all the way down to current levels, which makes me question how smart I am. In hindsight it was no secret of a slow down in the sector spending, even in a good market likely the shares would have dropped substantially. Regarding spending cycles, historically is there any pattern time wise?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on November 23, 2018
Q: Hello Peter,

First off, great job on BNN yesterday! Your comments helped reinforce on focusing on the long term and not quarterly results. Just to recap your theme, I have listed the companies with let's say "quarterly miss" , however, with a market over reaction to the downside. Can you add or delete other companies that fit in this category?

Thank-you for being in our investment corner.
Read Answer Asked by Angelo on November 19, 2018
Q: Does the reduced outlook that NVDA gave yesterday affect your thoughts on Photon PHO at all? Does the guidance from both companies "jive" as to the general outlook? Or is Photon so small that it could grow rapidly even with the reduced macro outlook? I'm trying to figure out how agressive to be with Photon since I do like the changes the company has made in the last couple of years.
Read Answer Asked by Kel on November 19, 2018
Q: These are a list of my stocks that I may sell for tax losses. I would like to have your opinion if I should sell and rebuy these in 30 days.
Read Answer Asked by stephen on November 16, 2018
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan,
Thanks for the great service Peter and Ryan. It is trying times for portfolios

We picked up AMZN (2%), KXS (1%), ZCH (2%) and GOOGL (1%) in the last few days. Also owned is BABA (3%), NVDA (2%). We have 25% in cash available. Is tech recommended to be 15% or 20% of a portfolio as of today with all the recent drops? I am going against the grain here for a bump up in 2019. Of AMZN, BABA, KXS, GOOGL, FB, MFST, BIDU, & PHO, and an outlier BYD.UN which 2-3 stocks are most appealing for a recovery?

Jerry and Debbie
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on November 15, 2018
Q: Can you explain and justify what’s going on with Photon. I didn’t sell at the highs When I was up almost 100%, preferring to look more long term than trading. Now, for the first time, I am under water on it. I thought they were rolling out some new products that were supposed to do well and drive numbers up. Do you still see it as a long term (3-5 year) hold to get back to the $2+ range? Or do you see it as a missed opportunity, live and learn, sell and move on?
Read Answer Asked by david on November 12, 2018
Q: Most small caps are down in this market and continue to fall.Of the above stocks,would you consider all as holds? The average retail investor like me doesn’t want to buy these stocks until prices stabilize, but must accept lower prices to sell them.Selling just contributes to the declines,especially on stocks with lower volume.
Can you rate these in order of preference?
Read Answer Asked by Allen on November 12, 2018
Q: PHO really missed the boat. Have a small position. Is it best to move on, hold or buy a bit more on the downturn. As I watch the questions pass by, I sense there are many big misses -- RHT, TSGI, NFI and quite a few more. Are you doing something different in your analysis that might account for this? Sorry for being a bit negative but some of the shine might be coming off.
Read Answer Asked on November 08, 2018
Q: Hi,
In what order would you choose the listed companies to sell for tax loss harvesting.
And would you hesitate to re-purchase any of these in 30 days?
And would now be a good time to sell them? Or would it be better to wait a week or two.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on November 08, 2018