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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Following up on Harrison's RESP question from February 10th, I'm seeking advice on ETF recommendations for my grandson's RESP. He turns two in March 2025, giving him approximately 16 years until he'll need the funds.
I appreciate your ETF recommendations, particularly the split between Canadian and US markets (VGG, ZSP, ZCN, XCG, VDY). I'm also considering ZUQ (BMO MSCI USA High Quality Index), but I'm wondering if it's too similar to ZSP? Your thoughts?
I do not like CDZs holdings as much.
You also mentioned two balanced ETFs in your response (XBAL and VBAL). The fixed income allocation is approximately 40% for these balanced ETFs. In contrast, XGRO and VGRO have a fixed income allocation of around 20%, and XEQT or VEQT have no fixed income. What I like about these allocation ETFs is they have some international exposure.
Considering the long-term horizon, I'm leaning towards XEQT/VEQT, which have no fixed income. My main question is whether the 20% fixed income component of XGRO/VGRO or even the XBAL/VBAL (40% fixed income) is necessary for a two-year-old’s RESP? Or are XEQT/VEQT too aggressive, considering the other ETFs mentioned?
Finally, wouldn't it be more appropriate to introduce a 100% fixed income ETF closer to the withdrawal age or perhaps three years before we start accessing the funds?
Deduct as many points as you think necessary.
As always thanks for the great advice.
Read Answer Asked by Elaine on February 20, 2025
Q: I currently own the above ETFs in my unregistered account and they have performed well. I have funds to be invested in my LIF account and am considering purchasing one or more ETFs. How would you rank these ETFs for a LIF account? Would you suggest equal contributions to these ETFs? Are there other ETFs that you would recommend for a LIF account? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Don on January 23, 2025
Q: I'm looking at portfolio style ETFs for my RRSP like VGRO. I find these Canadian based ETFs are overweight Canadian equites. My aim is to reduce the number of ETFs that i own in my RRSP. Is there any CAD ETFs that you recommend that cover global equities, including US, that doesn't overweight Canada?
Read Answer Asked by Matthew on January 15, 2025
Q: I currently hold the above investments in my non-registered account and will invest some additional funds before the end of the year. My plan is to top up my investments in approximately 8 stocks and 1 ETF. The investments will be a 5 to 10 year hold. Please provide a ranking for the top 10 stocks in my non-registered account. Which ETF fund do you suggest topping up for a 5 to 10 year hold? Thank you 5i
Read Answer Asked by Don on December 17, 2024
Q: The existing investments for my other grandson are shown above. Please rank his investments for long term growth. Best wishes for the Holiday Season.
Read Answer Asked by Don on December 16, 2024
Q: Out of these three all-in-one ETFs:
1) Which one is most tax efficient in a un-registered account?
2) Which one is most tax efficient in a registered account?
3) Which one is better to invest for longer term of 10+ years?
Read Answer Asked by Anshu on December 12, 2024
Q: Out of these four, which one do you think would have the best return over a 3 to 5 year time period? Looking for something "safe" and steady.

Read Answer Asked by David C. on December 02, 2024
Q: Hi 5i
I'd like to add to a small TFSA investment, which today is 100% in
I will add funds so that 25% will be in and the other 75% would be spilt between 2 to 3 of these: ZMMK, VFV, ZSP, ZDI, XIU. Timeline is 2 to 3 years and thinking to be more conservative because already have VGRO for growth.
What would be your ranking highest to lowest. Are there other ETF's that I should consider?
Read Answer Asked by George on October 16, 2024
Q: Could you please add FGRO ETF to your database.
I understood these 5 ETF's would have similar price performance but FGRO and TGRO outpace the other three for the last 3 Years. ZGRO, XGRO and VGRO pretty much have the same performance. Can you help explain why FGRO and TGRO have significantly outperformed the three?
Read Answer Asked by Ian on September 05, 2024
Q: My son is 25 years old and saving to buy a house in the near future. Which is a better TFSA investment strategy for him, investing his savings in a balanced ETF Vanguard Growth ETF portfolio (VGRO.TO) vs. allocating 25% of savings to Vanguard Canadian Aggregate Bond Index ETF (VAB), 25% to Vanguard FTSE Canada All Cap Index ETF (VCN), and 50% to Vanguard FTSE Global All Cap ex Canada Index ETF(VXC)?
Read Answer Asked by Jacquie on August 23, 2024
Q: Would like to add to my holdings a well diversified growth ETF for a long term hold (10 years+). Have $25,000 to invest in my current $2 million portfolio of equities (20) and ETFs (5)
I am considering FCUV . Your comments on this ETF would very much be appreciated. Also is there any other ETF you would recommend .
Read Answer Asked by Brian on July 03, 2024
Q: I will be providing some funds for my grandson to invest in the market. My grandson is 13 years old and has indicated that he has a moderate to aggressive investment risk level. He would like to invest funds and hold the investments for approximately 10 years. For a 10 year hold, would you recommend moderate to high risk companies/ETFs over low risk companies/ETFs? My grandson is considering investing in ETFs and/or individual companies. Please provide your top 5 moderate risk ETFs, top 5 high risk ETFs, top 5 moderate risk companies and top 5 high risk companies with a brief comment on each investment. Please provide a general comment on the typical performance of ETFs vs individual companies. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Don on July 02, 2024
Q: I have 1.5 million to invest. I need income of $70000 per year before tax for the next 10 years. I hesitate to put it in to a single type of investment.. please suggest a mix I could use to get me close to this goal. A slight growth would be a bonus . Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Peter on June 10, 2024
Q: Thanks to Peter, Ryan and the 5i Team, my portfolio has recovered from the Tech Wreck of 2022. Much of this is due to my holdings in Nvidia and SMCI. I have been trimming some along the way up, but Nvidia is now over 12% and SMCI is over 6% of my portfolio. This time around, I'd like to hold on to my gains (unlike in 2022).

My questions are: What "sleep at night" ETF or stock might you suggest to put some of my profits into (sector doesn't matter)? Also, what percentage of your holdings would you be comfortable with SMCI going to?

My pension covers my living expenses, so I am able to take a little more risk.


Read Answer Asked by Bradley on February 27, 2024
Q: I look after a RESP and have IWO, VGRO, VGG and BN. The weight is 16% for each. Would you be comfortable adding to the ETF'S to a 20% weight or should I buy a ETF like XIC? If you have any suggestions of what I could buy for this account I appreciate your input! It will be 12 years before needed.

Read Answer Asked on January 16, 2024
Q: RESP allocation for 10 & 12 year old kids is currently 100% in VEQT. If it were your account, at what ages would you consider transitioning to VGRO and then VBAL if money was required in 6-8 years. I realize there isn’t a right answer and purely subjective.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on December 21, 2023