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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I want to help an 86 year old relative - with no investment experience. She has a small RIF (less than 40k) and a TFSA, plus about 250k in unregistered funds -split among two institutions. As the DSCs have run out at the 'expensive' investor company I'm thinking it might make sense to consolidate all the funds at her bank (They are less pushy, have lower generally lower MERs, and it seems like DSCs are far less prevalent). But choosing an appropriate investment for the funds (about 150k) being moved is my quandary.

Preservation of capital is important, but she does want some income. Any suggestion apart from GICs?

Read Answer Asked by Peter on April 23, 2018
Q: Recently the Globe & Mail has an article discussing the merits of using a one-Balanced ETF strategy and recommended the following three ETFs: VBAL, CBD and HRA. What would you consider to be the best one? Also, when I reviewed the information on their respective websites, I can only find Management Fee info as opposed to MER info. Is it because they are all ETFs that are composed of various ETFs. So the ultimate MER of these balanced ETFs would be the sum of the quotes Management Fee plus the MER of the underlying ETFs?
Please deduct as many credits as you see fit.
Read Answer Asked by M on April 11, 2018
Q: Hello
My Self Direct RRSP account holds approximately 50% in the older couch potato version XIU,XBB,XSP,and XIN. The balance is primarily Canadian dividend funds found within your income and balanced portfolios.
Now that I have retired should I sell the original 4 couch potato funds and replace it with the new Vanguard fund (VBAL) plus keep a few of the better dividend stocks.
Just looking to keep it simple and not stress over re-balancing and diversification.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on March 22, 2018
Q: Vanguard has come out with some total portfolio ETFS and I'm wondering what you think of them. They include a basket of vanguard ETFS, a low MER and are rebalanced regularly. I have two questions:

1. I was thinking of using one for my 2 year old daughters RESP. What are your thoughts on this? And if you like the idea would you go with VGRO or VBAL?

2. I 'm also considering maybe using them for my RRSP in the future as it would be an easy solution. However, you've mentioned before never to have more than 10% in one ETF? So in this case how safe would it be for someone to have their whole RRSP in this? Does the fact that it is made up of underlying ETFS make a difference? If at some point vanguard decided to discontinue the product, what would happen to the money?
Read Answer Asked by Carla on February 16, 2018