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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I hold Teck and Nutrien with the balance of my resource holdings in XMA. I have an equal amount of funds in each. I am considering selling XMA to purchase LIF. I know this will give me less diversity, but Teck and Nutrien are major weights in XMA which is otherwise heavy in gold stocks with low dividends and weak growth. At least LIF would give me decent dividends. What do you think? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on April 27, 2018
Q: Hi 5i:
In your recent (Feb. 15th) income portfolio changes you recommended selling the full position in NTR. I have not yet sold my position.
Does your opinion change in anyway after their announcement of their US$1.60 per share dividend? The dividend seems decent?
Thanks so much for all the great information.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on February 21, 2018
Q: I own NTR as a commodities play on the possibility of a weaker US dollar (among other reasons). I also follow BE. Your recent portfolio changes suggest a move from NTR to WEF might make sense for me. I have no particular love for NTR (and agree about dragging their feet on the dividend), and always like to reduce my non-BE holdings where appropriate. I regret not selling NTR at 65, but investing is about future prices, not past. My question for you is do you think near term total return will be better with WEF or NTR? I would appreciate some analysis as to why, and if you don't like to make near-term predictions please provide your thoughts on a switch from NTR to WEF. I know they are in different spaces but they would I think fill a similar role in a portfolio--non-metals, non-energy commodity exposure. I would appreciate your views. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Chris on February 16, 2018
Q: all of these holdings are between 1-3%...financials i hold 13% with energy next largest at 6%...yet all of these are hitting 52 week lows...which would you consider dumping if any...yours truly dazed and confused...
Read Answer Asked by adam on February 14, 2018
Q: I am concerned that my Riff account maybe too heavily weighted in utilizes and banks so I would like your opinion on adding north west and Nutrient to the portfolio. Could you comment on safety of Capital and dividend growth. Also, do you think Nutrient will have to issue stock to pay for the recent takeover and if so, at what price ( I would hate to buy only to see the stock price drop.)
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maggie on January 30, 2018