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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Peter; What would be an example/s of “ Innovation” companies? Thanks. Rod
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on February 23, 2021
Q: Hi Team,
I'd like to start positions in an aggressive growth portfolio in the artificial intelligence, genomics, renewable energy (and EV) sectors (2-3 positions per sector). Holding time 2-5 years.
Also considering Bionano Genomics (BNGO).
1. Please rank the sectors for expected growth. Are there any others I should consider? Are they already overbought/overpriced?
2. Please rank the stocks in each sector for expected growth. Are there any others I should consider?

Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 18, 2021
Q: HI 5i Team. I really appreciate your comments that speak to opportunities/areas or perhaps "themes" where you currently see good growth opportunities now and in the coming years. Some commentators have pointed to themes such as EV and materials that support EV, clean tech generally, changes in healthcare, etc. What would you consider to be some of the better investing themes right now (say 3 or 4?) and what would some of your suggestions right now for some good Canadian and good US stock selections within each, with growth in mind over a roughly 5 year horizon in a TFSA. I already have positions in LSPD, WELL, XBC and QST, and I plan to acquire AZT next. So I would be interested in hearing about your ideas and suggestions that might provide some additional diversification into other areas. Thanks very much - take as many question credits as necessary.
Read Answer Asked by Brad on February 04, 2021
Q: I currently own some ARKG and CRSP. If you were to buy a few more individual stocks in this space and had a long term time frame and high risk tolerance what would you buy?
Read Answer Asked by Richard on January 25, 2021
Q: In your answer to a question recently asked on Genomics, your suggestion was to buy an ETF such as ARKG or EAGB. You also mentioned that if so inclined you could start adding small amounts in specific stocks which of course be riskier. Would you be able to suggest 3 or 4 of these stocks either US or Canadian, preferably at least one of each.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on January 19, 2021
Q: Peter and Team:
I need some exposure to the healthcare sector and my choices are very limited in Canada, especially when Johnathon doesn't want to play in the Chess Game presently. What are your favourite US names, and where does ABBVIE fit in to the puzzle? When I am typing a question, does it time out after so many minutes?
Read Answer Asked by BEN on December 31, 2020
Q: Hi guys. Would you be able to tell me your ratings on these medical stocks for growth and risk please. It would be a 3 year time frame minimum. Thks again for the great job you do.
Read Answer Asked by wilson on December 14, 2020
Q: What are your top five Canadian and top five US small cap growth companies in terms of reward to risk, for a 5 year timeframe?
Read Answer Asked by Alfred on December 08, 2020
Q: Thanks to all of you for a terrific service. I obviously appreciate the excellent returns, but I really enjoy the opportunity to keep learning every day from your reports and thoughtful answers in the question section.

Could you please give a quick risk / reward outline on the above three small caps recently mentioned. Secondly, what are the five small caps in the US or Canada you are most excited about today if portfolio diversification is not an issue.

Please charge as many credits as needed.

Thanks again,
Read Answer Asked by Brian on October 19, 2020
Q: I am looking to deploy some U.S. dollars into a basket
of U.S. smaller cap stocks with growth potential as that
appears to be what you recommend in Canadian holdings.
That strategy appears productive. Would you be willing to
identify candidates for such a basket?
Thank you, Calvin
Read Answer Asked by Calvin on October 15, 2020
Q: Hi crew, what are 5-10 stocks that would be considered disrupters?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on September 28, 2020
Q: Good Morning...I just checked our numbers and we are higher than we were on December 31, 2019 so thank you. We have a small NVTA position (0.6% overall weighting) bought less than 30 days ago but already up 13%. We are long time holders of CSU and our current weighting is 9.3% which is getting close to (or maybe already inside) the red zone. I am thinking about selling some CSU to reduce it's weighting to 8% and using the proceeds to buy NVTA. Would you call this move "risk neutral" or "risk increase"? CSU is a top tier company so it I call it "risk low" and NVTA a lesser tier company so it is "risk high". But does the weighting change balance out the risk increase? I would consider NVTA to be Healthcare so that would help a little to decrease overall IT weighting and increase Healthcare. We own your IT recommendations (CSU, NVDA, ENGH, VEEV are the biggest positions) and Healthcare (ISRG and PFE). It seems both ISRG and PFE are low growth so maybe adding a potentially high growth company might be useful. There are no tax implications. Any thoughts you have would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by James on July 06, 2020