Q: What are your thoughts on this stock at these levels?
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: Peter and His Wonder Team
Neo is up almost 7% today while most of the market is flat. Please give me your thoughts...what do you think? Thanks as always!
Neo is up almost 7% today while most of the market is flat. Please give me your thoughts...what do you think? Thanks as always!
Q: For a long term hold I have small positions in each of these two companies and have some spare cash. Which one would you add to and why? Thanks!
Q: Do you like these companies in this environment and all things being equal which of these would you purchase today for growth?
thank you
thank you
Q: In light of the announcement by China that it will not sell its rare earth minerals to the US, what in your estimation will this do to Neo's revenues, ie. how much will they increase to and where could its share price escalate to as well?
Thank you
Thank you
Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (CAR.UN)
Champion Iron Limited Ordinary Shares (CIA)
Neo Performance Materials Inc. (NEO)
Converge Technology Solutions Corp. (CTS)
Quipt Home Medical Corp. (QIPT)
Q: I have losses of these stocks to varying degrees in my tfsa.Do you see any reason to keep or sell in January? Would you please comment and rate your recommendations for each? Thanx.
Q: I sold some NEO and am considering a re-buy. I like the direction NEO is taking. If the new USA administration, and the west nations as a whole, want to have economies not dependent on China then rare earth minerals should be on their radar since they are critical and currently almost all rare earths come from China. NEO is one of the few western companies, at least that I know of, that will have production of rare earths and related products that are/will be produced in the west (Estonia). I am considering a rebuy in the $7.50 range? What is your overall opinion of NEO and the rare earths in general? What other publicly traded, western, rare earth companies are there to consider?
Sernova Biotherapeutics Inc. (SVA)
Gatekeeper Systems Inc. (GSI)
Neo Performance Materials Inc. (NEO)
Talon Metals Corp. (TLO)
Q: Portfolio Cleanup Part 10:
I'm embarrassed to admit that I am down 50% or more (!) on the above.......
Are there any with good rebound potential that are worth holding on to? Can you provide a short reason why for each. Thanks
I'm embarrassed to admit that I am down 50% or more (!) on the above.......
Are there any with good rebound potential that are worth holding on to? Can you provide a short reason why for each. Thanks
Q: Hi 5i,
What is your opinion of the sale and should one continue to hold NEO ?
And do you have further thought on TOI?
Also if you sell in a margin account can you buy back in a TFSA (if cash) without waiting 30 days?
What is your opinion of the sale and should one continue to hold NEO ?
And do you have further thought on TOI?
Also if you sell in a margin account can you buy back in a TFSA (if cash) without waiting 30 days?
Q: Could you please give an update on NEO. There seems to be a lot going on here, as mentioned in the last Q release. What is expected growth rate... and is this a buy at current price?
Q: Please comment on the recent 2023 poor financials.
Do you think neo is worth holding, perhaps adding?
Do you think neo is worth holding, perhaps adding?
Q: I have a very decent return on my VNP shares thanks to a fortunate entry. It has become a too significant part of my portfolio considering the size of the company. I am thinking of selling some of it and rotating the sale proceeds into NEO. Could I have your thoughts on both and the sale idea? Thanks.
Also, with respect to the commentary on long posts, I am certain there will always be differing thoughts but it might perhaps provide a compromise if subscribers could do a small post in the regular section of Q/A that links to a separate space in the blog area to access the full post? Just a thought.
Also, with respect to the commentary on long posts, I am certain there will always be differing thoughts but it might perhaps provide a compromise if subscribers could do a small post in the regular section of Q/A that links to a separate space in the blog area to access the full post? Just a thought.
Q: I own some NEO performance materials and I noticed it is at 52 week lows, and at the currrent price (a little under $7) the dividend yield is about 5.7 per cent. The net cash on the balance sheet (according to the last quarter) shows that the market cap is about 30 per cent covered by the cash on the balance sheet. This company is profitable, pays a healthy covered dividend, is buying back a few shares with a NCIB and is in a future world part of the economy (magnets for electric cars, wind turbines, defense products, etc. I think I should add more on this weakness in the share price. Am I missing something glaringly wrong with this under-the-radar company?
Q: Appreciate your thoughts on the recent quarter reported by NEO.
Northland Power Inc. (NPI)
Neo Performance Materials Inc. (NEO)
CTS Corporation (CTS)
CyberArk Software Ltd. (CYBR)
Brookfield Corporation Class A Limited (BN)
Q: Reviewing my portfolio and these are my losers. Any point hanging on to any of them? Surprised at BN as it always seems to have positive reviews and CYBR which I though would ride the technology wave.
Critical Elements Lithium Corporation (CRE)
Rock Tech Lithium Inc. (RCK)
Neo Performance Materials Inc. (NEO)
Q: Hope you all had a great Easter Weekend.
With the need for more rare earths are there any Canadian companies that standout to capitalize on this coming demand? To my understanding China has 80%+ market share and control of these types of materials and 44% of world reserves within their boarders.
With the need for more rare earths are there any Canadian companies that standout to capitalize on this coming demand? To my understanding China has 80%+ market share and control of these types of materials and 44% of world reserves within their boarders.
Q: What is your take on financials released today.
Do you consider NEO to be a buy sell or hold
Thank you
Do you consider NEO to be a buy sell or hold
Thank you
Q: Peter; Is it correct that NEO is basically the only company that can process rare minerals, and if so, would this include lithium? Thanks
Q: Would you please comment upon its results and indicate whether you believe it should be retained or sold?
Q: HI guys
In regard to NEO Performance metals has there been any news to justify why its share price has slipped so much? Would you agree that at these levels it is fairly compelling value?
In regard to NEO Performance metals has there been any news to justify why its share price has slipped so much? Would you agree that at these levels it is fairly compelling value?