Q: Thoughts on the ACLS quarter? Revenues in decline, but margins increased. But they are forecasting for lower revenues in the next quarter as well. But the market seems to like that the company beat most estimates, popping the stock today. I'm worried about the long term decline in ACLS sales. Is this merited?
Thank you for taking time to answer so many questions on top stocks to own or purchase. We read through questions on ranking popular stocks but we were not able to formulate a priority list of CDN and US small cap stocks, especially with so many rising quickly in the last couple of months.
Based on current valuations, risk, growth potential, and management, in what order would you purchase the stocks below for a 2-5 year hold? If there are too many stocks, can you please list your top 10 or 12 in priority from the list?
Q: These stocks are my US non registered portfolio, and are all at a loss, to varying degrees. Which stocks would you hold, which ones to sell, and what would you replace them with? Any sector, moderate risk
Q: It appears that ACLS stock, while up substantially the past few years, is more recently lagging behind peers in the semi manufacturing field. Please comment including potential reasons and does this represent an opportunity.
Q: I am considering the above companies. Are there any that you would not purchase at this time. Would you kindly order them in terms of quality and potential growth.
I currently hold positions in 5 semi-conductor companies: Nvidia, ASML, AMD, Taiwan Semi and Axcelis. I'd like to concentrate the positions in order to make the remaining positions more meaningful. However, I like all of these companies and feel they all have great growth ahead. If you were to concentrate this group, which would you sell? With those funds, in what order would you add to the others? Or would you keep all of them?
Growth-oriented investor, comfortable with volatility.
Q: Another consideration for our RIF. I like it & it's off recent high of $35 - Price /BK 3.5: about 15% debt /cap. with 11% Profit & strong growth. Your opinion &/or other comparable suggestions. Thank you.