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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: As far as Ai is concerned, to what extent will the performance of the following stocks be dependent on the fortunes of NVDA? Please rate each of them with a number from 1-10, with 10 representing the highest correlation to NVDA.

Read Answer Asked by Brian on August 01, 2024
Q: On a scale from 1 to 10, what number would you assign the following eight stocks where 10 represents the most upside and 1 the least, and what letter grade would you give them where an A represents the least risk and an F the most?

Read Answer Asked by Brian on July 26, 2024
Q: How would you rank the following Ai-related companies (best first) with an outlook of at least a year or two?

Read Answer Asked by Brian on July 23, 2024
Q: 1. Please let me know your thoughts on the best choices of Semi Conductor and Related Companies to own going forward...

2. What would be the Core Holdings going into this Ai moment +

3. Please Rate companies I have listed as Must Own 1, to 5 as Worst...

4. How do you feel about the Valuations and Stock Price of the Current companies listed...

5. Awaiting your answers..., Do You think it is best to wait for a pull back on certain stocks in the list, That may be core holdings for future...

Thanks in advance,
Read Answer Asked by michael on March 18, 2024
Q: I am considering the above companies. Are there any that you would not purchase at this time. Would you kindly order them in terms of quality and potential growth.
Read Answer Asked by Catherine Ann on September 14, 2023
Q: Hi team,

This is more of a second order question - so nvda is clearly doing very well, where could we look for benefit on the supplier side, ie. the inputs for what they need for the AI?

Read Answer Asked by David on May 26, 2023
Q: I am restructuring a non-registered account to be more defensive, and less tech heavy. All of the following US stocks are down: APPS, OKTA, PYPL, PLTR, SE, TTD, MRVL, TWLO, U, VEEV. Do you consider them a sell or hold?
Read Answer Asked by Linda on October 28, 2022
Q: I am down significantly in both Lightspeed and Upstart. I am considering replacing some or all of them with something more promising.
Perhaps you could comment on the prospects of these companies in a better market and suggest which two or 3 from this list might have better performance potential :
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Catherine Ann on September 09, 2022
Q: Greetings 5i,

What are your thoughts on INTEL? What are your thougths on the domestic tailwinds via Biden Administration and roughly 75B in federal support for domestic chip manufacturers? Seems almost like the industry is being considered a matter of national sercurity in the US and will back the chip makers. Are there other companies who stand to do well in this environment?

Read Answer Asked by Duane on August 08, 2022
Q: Can I have your comments on microns earnings and guidance and how that may bode for other chip stocks? I also own Nvda, mrvl and amd and am down on all. Thanks.

Read Answer Asked by Jason on July 05, 2022
Q: How would you rank these for adding to my TFSA today? They have all been beaten up, but are good stocks. Thanks as always!
Read Answer Asked by Austin on February 10, 2022
Q: I am holding a small position in TSM that is currently at a 2% loss. The share price has been trading sideways for some time. I also own SMH which has TSM as one it's top holdings. I am inclined to sell TSM and use the money for something else. I plan to keep holding SMH which has made good gains for me. Both are in the same taxable margin account. Should I keep holding TSM for the longer term, or should I let it go? I am also holding MRVL, AMD, QCOM and NVDA for the long term.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on November 04, 2021
Q: Can you please suggest a few US listed companies in the semiconductor space who should see price appreciation as we come out of the supply chain issues / chip shortage over the next 12-24 months. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Vineet on October 25, 2021