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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have CQQQ in a tax-deferred account. Given uncertainties over China-US relations (and concerns about China’s aggressive stand on Hong Kong and her claims over Taiwan) would you buy any China ETF?
If yes , would you buy KWEB or simply add to an existing holding in CQQQ ? Or would you be fine buying both?
Read Answer Asked by Adam on January 29, 2021
Q: What are the Chinese companies that Trump has prohibited Americans from owning. Do you think Biden will reverse this decision? Will this affect Chinese etf's such as Kweb and other popular stocks? Thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Ian on November 26, 2020
Q: Hello!
Wanting to increase foreign exposure and wondering if now would still be a good time to enter any of these names. Since China appears to have Covid more under control is this a good place to invest especially in consumer discretionary. If entering these names does one wait for pullback or enter now. As well, is it better to go with a mutual fund as opposed to ETFs for international/emerging market exposure?
Read Answer Asked by Neil on November 16, 2020
Q: Hi,
I am wondering what your thoughts are on ETFs that focus on China. As it reopens, do you see any benefit to owning either an ETF, or possibly specific shares, that are expected to grow coming out of Covid? CNXT is another ETF I've looked at, but it is not in your database. My portfolio is about 60% in Canada, the balance in US and I have been focusing on adding more US exposure, mainly in the tech and health care sectors. I also find it interesting that the auto industry in China gained as Covid restrictions eased and am seeing a bit of follow through in the US auto industry, possibly driven by TSLA - but I am not sure why that would be, as I would think it is the last thing anyone would be buying now. If adding more international exposure, what would be a good target percentage and does this make sense at this point in time? Please deduct points as you see fit.
Thanks - your suggestions are always welcome!
Read Answer Asked by Dawn on July 07, 2020
Q: Hi,
Watching China lately and wondering if it might be a good time to start a position in a related ETF such as those mentioned above. Are these good choices, or are there better ones out there? I believe ASHR is an index sort of ETF, whereas the KWEB is focused on the internet? Maybe there are other, better ETF's? I don't fully understand fundamentals, nor can I suggest I've anything but a rudimentary sort of grasp on the world economic situation - that's your department! I just see some technical signals that might infer these are improving. Looking forward to your comments and as always, much appreciate all your hard work!
Read Answer Asked by Dawn on November 11, 2019
Q: How does one invest in the Chinese stock market and high tech in particular? I am not looking for a general index fund but a fund with active management that investigates and only invests in hiqh quality growth and dividend stocks in China and with a proven track record.
Read Answer Asked by John on November 06, 2019
Q: Greetings 5i,

I am comfortable holding the bigger Chinese companies however I find myself with all 3 of these ETFs as well as several of the larger China Tech companies in my portfolio in all in half positions ( BABA, TCEHY, JD, BIDU). My question is What ETF would you let go?

As far as redistribution of these funds I am more interested in Large or Mid cap longer term holds that have value currently. Any recommendations?

Read Answer Asked by Duane on May 07, 2018
Q: Can you suggest a good China ETF, preferably in tech, that is in CAD $. I am concerned about the US $ going down, and think I might be better off buying in CAD. Does this seem logical to you, or should I take a chance and buy CQQQ, KWEB or QQQC?

Thanks again for your insights!

Read Answer Asked by Elizabeth on January 16, 2018
Q: Hi 5iR, I have been thinking about starting my own small ETF with Asian e-commerce companies such as Netease (NTES), Baidu (BIDU), Alibaba (BABA), Yirendi (YRD), Baozun (BZUN), China Mobile (CHL), and Softbank Group (SFTBY). Is there an ETF already out there that would accomplish this for me?

Thanks team. Chris

Thanks Team
Read Answer Asked by Chris on November 01, 2017