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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter,
For non registered accounts, please advise your best picks for European Equity ETFs that have ample room for growth and can withstand this volatile market. Dividends are not important. I also look for Asia ETFs that have a high percentage of holdings in China and to a lesser degree in South Korea. Please advise of your best picks. Brief explanation of reasoning for these picks is appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Willie on March 19, 2025
Q: hi, what would be your current top ETF for China, and why? also, if you were to buy individual China stocks today, which ones would you be looking at ( I assume on the US exchanges?)?
cheers, Chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on January 29, 2025
Q: May I please have your top two emerging market ETFs?
With appreciation,
Read Answer Asked by Ed on August 27, 2024
Q: What country is your favourite emerging market today for the next five years?
Which ETF would you reccomend based on this answer?

Thanks very much
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on December 21, 2023
Q: Emerging markets are getting some attention lately for reasonable valuations.
India is being mentioned as a strong growth country. Many experts suggest US large corps as a better way to invest rather than the corps of the emerging markets .
What are your thoughts and ideas for investment to take advantage of emerging markets as far as actual emerging market etf or etf of large cap US based major exporters/worldwide etf. ?
Read Answer Asked by Tom on July 17, 2023
Q: Dear 5i,
Out of all the countries classified as Emerging Markets.
In your opinion which countries are expected to outperform the S&P500 index if held for at least 5 years? Can you suggest some Canadian and/or US listed ETF's that might achieve this goal. I'm interest in holding a 2 to 5% position for at least 5 years in my TFSA.
Read Answer Asked by Ian on April 05, 2023
Q: Hello Peter,
I don’t have any investments in my portfolio in the emerging market, especially in China. Would you please recommend a few stocks and/or ETFs for 5 year or longer holds. If possible, please provide on each of your recommended investments an approximate price-entry point. In general, what percentage of my portfolio should be allocated for this market?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Roger on February 09, 2023
Q: Good Afternoon 5i,
After reading the recent edition of your ETF newsletter, I am inclining to invest a bit directly in China. I already hold VWO but, after reading the well reasoned and written article of yours, I may want a direct, China only etf. Especially now that Chinise stocks have been hammered. Although i am a long term investor, I thought I might capitalise on this fall of Chinese stocks. I think it is most prominent in the technology sector. For that reason I am leaning towards KWEB rather than MCHI. But, when I read the article I see that three of the top ten holdings in both are Tencent, Alibaba and Meitvan, with a similar weighting. Although 63 percent of Kweb and 44 percent of MCHI are the weights for the top ten holdings. That is a difference but it doesn't seem like a lot. So, it looks to me that I get a pretty good cut of the technology stocks in MCHI, as well as more safety. I am therefore leaning in that direction. But, I am tempted by a tech comeback, where I might make a bit more with KWEB. I know it comes down to personal decision. But, I have a bit of trouble understanding how big a difference there would be between the two in a tech comeback. So, I thought I would ask the professionals how you would look at this?
thanks for all your great work
Read Answer Asked by joseph on August 10, 2021
Q: Almost 80% of the holdings in MCHI are HK-listed companies. Given China’s overly aggressive moves in HK, would you consider Chinese companies listed in HK to be at a higher risk than they have been in the past? I am comfortable adding to the Chinese tech ETF, but I wonder about the companies held in MCHI.

I would love to know your opinion on the above with a bit of detail.

Why China is grouped with ÉM is unfathomable to me. In your own way of thinking about allocation, do you mentally remove China from the ÉM basket? It seems long overdue for both the political and investment worlds to treat her as developed.
Read Answer Asked by Adam on February 05, 2021
Q: Hi Guys
I just use these 2 ETFS to cover the World it keeps it simple, I was told Canada only represents 3% of the World so that is the weighting i use, would you find that an acceptable weighting. Also. VXC has Japan at 8% and China at 4.5% would this be acceptable or would you add another ETF to compliment the 2 listed above, to get a higher exposure to China and other countries, and if so at what percentage weighting.
Thanks Gord
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on July 17, 2020
Q: Thank You for continuing to be the voice of reason for the amateur like me!!

What ETF's are best for 5-10 year hold for the following markets
US S&P, UK, Germany, China, Russia, Asia (general), South America (general), Africa (general). Looking to take advantage of weakness and average in.
Read Answer Asked by Lorne on March 19, 2020
Q: Hi again,
Just wondering what you would think of using a few country specific ETFs for emerging markets exposure since China, South Korea, and Taiwan make up over 50% of XEC holdings. Too much risk vs diversity? Or just stick with something like XEC or EMGF for a 10+ year hold in a risk managed growth ETF portfolio. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Daryl on December 19, 2019