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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Facebook and Google have been moved out of this ETF and moved to the Communications Services ETF as a result of their industry reclassification. I still like the companies in the Tech ETF but Apple apparently makes up 20%. Would you move some cash from this ETF to the Vanguard Communications Services ETF? How do you handle such a change? (Amazon was moved as well). Is this one possible negative factor of ETFs in that a reclassification actually change your portfolio?
Read Answer Asked by Greg on September 24, 2018
Q: Good Afternoon
Can you recommend any Canadian ETFs that cover the US and Global Technology besides QQQ, hedged and unhedged and preferrably being actively managed with low fees?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on July 23, 2018
Q: Dear team,
Thank you for your valuable investment guidance that has helped me to invest prudently so far. I have around $10,000 to invest in my RRSP this year.Which one of the following three stocks/ETFs -BABA, VGT, ZQQ- would you recommend to add to my portfolio? I already own equal weight of stocks FB, NVDA, BRK.A in my RRSP account. Many thanks in advance .
Read Answer Asked by Sriram on January 11, 2018
Q: I am setting up an all ETF portfolio for a 20 yr plus holding period and I have a two-part question. The first part concerns the makeup of the Canadian/US component. Is it better to go with a combination of SPY and XIC or would including CDZ and VIG provide stability and perhaps a bit more growth to the mix (keeping in mind that I intend to hold at least 5% of each but don't need income yet)?

Secondly, I am looking for higher risk assets for my TFSA. I was thinking of IWO. I know that there are specialized sectors I could include but I looking for a fairly hands-off approach. Do you think this approach would serve me well - I know that it is only one asset type - or is there a better mix out there that would still be quite manageable?

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on January 10, 2018
Q: My TFSA is all in Can $. I have $12000.00 to add this year, so would like your opinion, on the US Tech sector, or the US Bank sector.
I would buy a ETF. At this time would you go hedged or unhedged?
Thanks for your continued support.

Read Answer Asked by Shirley on January 10, 2018
Q: Cleaning up at year end - winners & losers & am left with approx. 200K in a RIF that still holds ICHR, BOTZ (an experiment), VGT, SQ, FB & KXS. I definitely favour US however, am open to your suggestions & expertise. As always, thank you for over 6 years of excellent guidance & advice.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on December 18, 2017
Q: Thank you for continued great support and unbiased opinions.

I plotted a few favourite 5i Technology stocks with high P/Es along with the Vanguard Information Technology ETF (NYSEARCA:VGT). Except for CSU (crazy +ve outlier),
they all cluster closely in returns over the long-term (i.e. 15+ years).
So, why bet on a few horses with such risk (P/E > 50) when one can own the track, make about the same return, with much less risk (P/E = 6.6)?

I think we all understand the advantages of ETFs in general, but considering the high P/Es specifically in the Tech sector, it really begs the question above. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on December 01, 2017
Q: I am comparing FDN, IGV, VGT,and BST - all hi tech ETFs . BST has performed the best this year and pays a healthy dividend . Aside from some Apple and Google I am barely into the US Tech sector . 1. Should I just buy "something" and hope for the best ? 2. Do you have a favourite tech ETF ? 3. Am I too late for the party ?.
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on October 30, 2017
Q: I have a 40% US weighting in all my portfolios combined, with the above four holdings comprising 75% of the 40%.
VGT 4.6%, VUN 7.7%, CIB590 10.1%, CIB595 7.1%- equalling 30% of total equity portfolio.

Could I have your comments wrt the overlap in these four holdings. Is there enough diversity to continue to hold all four or would you collapse and combine?
Read Answer Asked by JEFF on October 23, 2017