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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi guys, what a day for Roku. Thanks for recommending that one. I currently hold roku, square, nvda, and docu. I was contemplating taking profits on a few of those winners and moving into other USA growth stocks. Can you give me your top pics at this time? I have a long term timeframe in mind. Thanks as always for your valuable advice.

Read Answer Asked by Jason on August 27, 2020
Q: I want to build a stock portfolio of US Tech/Healthcare Stocks today with 20 Stocks for the next 10 years with growth being the main driver preferably with low debt, what companies would you recommend. Thanks for your useful advice.
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on August 17, 2020
Q: What are you current top picks for growth oriented names in the US?
Are there disadvantages of holding US securities in TFSA?

Many thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Hua on August 14, 2020
Q: Back on June 3, this question was asked. Would you make any changes now?
"If you were starting a new account with 100k with a portfolio of 10 US equities, with a 10 year time frame, which 10 would you currently choose?"
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on August 12, 2020
Q: Hi
This company is giving 12% dividend. is it sustainable? and please give your thought on this. is it buy?
and please give top 5 US growth stocks for three yrs hold.
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by kaushikbhai on July 30, 2020
Q: What is your top choice for playing the gold sector? This will be my only exposure to precious metals.

What are your top 10 growth names (Canada or US) for a new investment with a minimum 5 year hold? I'm not concerned about sector diversity or weighting because we're well diversified in other, larger parts of our portfolio.

Read Answer Asked by Ben on July 29, 2020
Q: So if one agrees that a significant US tech exposure in a portfolio seems correct but the Big 5 US mega-techs and their valuations seem scary at the moment, given the recent correction of a stock like Intel, would you recommend that this investor with a 2 to 3 year horizon buy Intel at this level, watch it for a while and see how it settles in, start a partial position, consider other tech companies (such as what?) or continue to build positioning in the Big 5 and not focus on their valuations??? And perhaps a comment from you regarding what you would advise this concerned investor from a safety perspective regarding some of your favourite tech growers that have even higher valuations (Docusign, TTD, Team, etc.) - what is your recomendation and opinion in the context of this question comparing adding to those growthy tech names versus an Intel or a Cisco type tech purchase. I guess in essence I want to know whether you think the extra risk at this time is warranted over that term. Thank you for your anticipated helpful response - Ken
Read Answer Asked by Ken on July 27, 2020
Q: Hello, with $75000 to invest could you please give me a list of 10 stocks us or cdn for a tfsa.

Thanks, Mike
Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 21, 2020
Q: Would it be benefiitial to replace MU for VEEV in a RIF account witch contain GOOGL, ,AYX, DOCU, TEAM, NVDA, ROKU AND IGM as ETF.
Thank you for your exceptional services.
Read Answer Asked by Yves on July 08, 2020
Q: Hi there,

Can you please provide your top 12 US growth stocks, assuming that sector diversification is not a concern?

Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 08, 2020
Q: Hello 5i,
If one wants a high concentration of very strong growth stocks and understands the risks involved with applying this type of investing strategy, can you please name 10 stocks that 5i would be very comfortable in owning for this purpose (a mix of USD and CAD)?

Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 07, 2020
Q: Hello - I have some capital that i am looking to deploy and wondering if now is a good time or should i hold on to it.... in anticipation of another reset with news of a second wave, etc.

Also what are your top 10 -15 names right now regardless of portfolio balancing needs - open to American or CAD names - preferably limited small caps.

Lastly, i am kicking myself for not buying SHOP on the pullback.. is it still a buy right now in your opinion? or wait...

thanks so much.
Read Answer Asked by Ray on June 24, 2020
Q: I would appreciate 10 US and/or Canadian small cap growth stocks to invest in for the next two to five years.
Read Answer Asked by Clayton on June 09, 2020
Q: Good morning 5i, I am piggy backing off a recent question by James, but if you can disregard sector diversification and risk is also not an issue and main goal of course is capital appreciation.

"If you were starting a new account with 100k with a portfolio of 10 US equities, with a 10 year time frame, which 10 would you currently choose?"
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 03, 2020
Q: Good morning,

Roku has dropped from approx $140 back to $106. Would you be adding to your position (If light) at current levels or are there any changes in your long term thesis?

Yesterday you mentioned XWD as a good ETF option for international exposure but stated that it had 65 percent NA. Is there a good option for international equity with a value bent without NA companies?

Thanks for being a calming voice during volatility.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on May 29, 2020
Q: I currently hold GUARDANT, ALTERYX and ROKU in one account. As a basket they collectively just can’t seem to stay above water. Are you still optimistic on these names or has your opinion changed? Should I remain patient or would you swap any for VEEV?
Read Answer Asked by Marty on May 19, 2020
Q: Thank you for your comments on RPD earnings report yesterday. In your response you said "We would not be overly concerned here, though it has slipped some spots on our list of growth companies". Can you let me know what growth companies you have higher up on your list. I am up 20% on RPD and am happy to sell it for something higher up on your list.

Thanks so much for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Justin on May 12, 2020
Q: I am about to triple the size of my investment in the portfolio above and give equal weighting to all. Virtually all of this new money will be in non-registered accounts. In total, this self-directed portfolio will represent 20% of my holdings; I also have 40% in a growth-focused pension fund, and 40% in a mix of ETFs through a robo-advisor.
Do you have any suggested changes to the list of names? I am primarily focused on growth, with a 3-5 year horizon.
Do you recommend a different weighting e.g. heavier on some, lighter on others?
What are your thoughts regarding timing? I am tempted to put all of the new money in now, betting on the sustainability of the recent recovery. But I understand that a phased approach will reduce risk.
Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Ben on May 12, 2020